Technically speaking…
Here we’ll cover the nuts and bolts of the equipment. Sometimes it can be daunting to figure out a camera or light. But we have to do it. But we don’t have to make it a long term focus. When you can grab up your camera and instinctively set it for the best exposure without really thinking about it technically, you will be where you need to be.
Backing up your data - TS01 - the most important thing you can ever do with your pictures
Tablet options - TS02 - a quick look at tablets you need to edit properly.
Marking your images to keep organized - TS03 - This is how I mark my images for editing and why.
Studio ideas and tour - TS04 - A tour of my studio in Arizona just to help give ideas for those building their own.
Shooting in B&W? - TS05 - Yep, there is a trick to get the exposure to show up better
Cameras and Lenses 101 - TS06 - THE place to get a massive amount of explanation about camera body types, lenses, and how you work with ISO, Shutter Speed, and aperture.
Managing your workflow - TS07 - using Lightroom and catalogs you’ll easily find any past shoot and never have an image show up missing
General intro to lights and modifiers - TS08 - strip boxes, umbrellas, ring lights and snoots. Why grids?
Tablet for editing, why you need one - TS09 - a mouse just won’t do what you need. This video will explain.
Wet studio option - TS10 - how to shoot with water in a confined space. Note: Speedlights instead of plugged in strobes!
Backup…always! - TS11 - the most valuable thing you have is your finished work.
Eye Captain - TS12 - you are in charge of the shoot…period. Here’s how it works.
My solution to equipment on locations - TS13 - the little red wagon (welding cart)
Editing directly on the screen - TS14 - Leaving the mouse and/or editing tablet behind, mostly
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copyright 2018 - Dave Kelley Artistics