Lighting sessions…
Lighting session with grids -LG01 - here’s a shoot with Ziva where I explain the lights and then show you the results
Portable Lights - LG02 - nothing beats working with the natural light or dark to get some great images.
General intro to lights and modifiers - LG03 - strip boxes, umbrellas, ring lights and snoots. Why grids?
The Pixie shoot using different lights - LG04 - this time we show the lights in action. We cover strip boxes, umbrellas, beauty dishes, snoots, and talk about flags. Also covers details about shooting body scapes. (WARNING - NSFW - in case you choose to be offended by nudity)
General lighting - LG05 - a quick video of the lighting I use in the mountains studio. Very brief overview.
Light. Naturally - LG06 - natural light is amazing and magical
Imagine the light - LG07 - see the light as a magical thing you control
Ring Light Project - LG08 - this is awesome but make yours more electrically safe. (grin)
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