Style sessions…
Creating your style - SC01 - what it takes to get there
Style is the key to success - SC02 - more about style…of course.
Uniqueness Survives - SC03 - be you because no one else can.
The time it takes - SC04 - if I only know then what I’m telling you now.
Comfort un-zoned - SC05 - mundanism kills creativity
Style is the difference - SC06 - don’t be the log guy
Going to your dark place - SC06 - light for dark
Beware the art critic - SC07 - a few are good, most are trolls.
Watch your head - SC08 - Egos and jealousy issues
Creative sessions…
Mindset for creativity - SC09 - Try to get your head around finding something unique
Creativity and Inspiration #1 - SC10 - How I get inspired and happy accidents
Full edit - blurring backgrounds in post - SC11 - this is really a slick way to bring the subject out of the clutter
Inspiration - SC12 - where to get the ideas for a shoot and keep it rolling
Just imagine - SC13 - so many options, so little time!
A little touched? - SC14 - retouching adds your flavor, you're style
The first 30 minutes - SC15 - understanding makes the shoot smoother.
Soul shooting - SC16 - don’t overthink it.
To pose or not to pose - SC17 - the question has been posed
Focus your mind and camera - SC18 - take a deep breath and think deep
Stand back and put the camera down - SC19 - you don’t want to miss the obvious.
Creative juices… - SC20 - with pulp
It’s okay…go into the light - SC21 - how a photographer should see light
The perfect picture - SC22 - too much tech and not enough feeling it?
Creativity marks the spot - SC23 - be afraid, it’s normal.
Be. Create. Love. - SC24 - learn and grow with it.
Periscope feed - SC25 - for a while I broadcast many of my shoots to help promote models social media as well as demonstrate lighting techniques. The video quality is actually very poor. At one point I had over 29K followers but I have a nagging suspicion many weren’t there for lighting tips.
Michelle - SC26 - almost two hours of mindless banter and creativity - but…watching others shoot is always a fun way to learn some tips and tricks.
Creative energy? - SC27 - only so much a day
Fine Art Nudes - things to consider for the model
Another one about shooting with nudes
Going nude - SC31
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copyright 2018 - Dave Kelley Artistics