I offer thee versions of workshops on Photography. Here are the general outlines of what is covered in each of the three.
Photography, Lighting, and Editing (5 hours)
The goal: to bring new tips, tricks, and techniques to enhance a photographer’s skills.
Requirements: a DSLR camera with a hot shoe for flash attachments and a basic understanding of how it works. Understanding the basics of shutter speed, aperture, and ISO is needed.
Outline: (note: may vary depending on more interest in some topics than others)
- Introductions and quick interview of interests
- Lighting overview (first hour)
- Introduce the idea of ‘conscious imagination’ in lighting
- Introduce studio lighting with the options those bring
- Cover location lighting options (flash and speed light)
- Photoshoot for about 2 hours
- Everyone gets a chance to shoot some in each ‘set’ that we create
- Show how to direct a model and manage the shoot
- Put the lighting learned into practice and demonstrate the options
- Cover these lighting techniques
- Full fashion
- Fitness grunge
- Spots and positioning of model
- Beauty dish options
- Body scape (implied)
- Lightroom and Photoshop editing
- Managing workflow with Lightroom
- Basic editing features in Lightroom
- Editing in Photoshop
- Demonstrate filters
- NIK filters
- Portraiture
- Creating an action
- Dodge and Burn
- Layers
- Masking and some tricks
- Compositing
- Finishing up in Lightroom
- Q&A
- Demonstrate filters
One-on-One Workshop (5 hours)
The goal: to fill in those gaps of education. Answering individual needs with explanation and demonstration.
Requirements: a DSLR camera with a hot shoe for flash attachments and a basic understanding of how it works. Understanding the basics of shutter speed, aperture, and ISO is needed.
If the 2 hour Photoshoot is to be done there is an additional cost for the model unless the student provides one.
Outline: (note: may vary considerably depending on student’s desires)
- Inquire what the student would like to learn
- Lighting overview (first hour)
- Introduce the idea of ‘conscious imagination’ in lighting
- Introduce studio lighting with the options those bring
- Cover location lighting options (flash and speed light)
- Photoshoot for about 2 hours (optional depending on desired course content)
- Everyone gets a chance to shoot some in each ‘set’ that we create
- Show how to direct a model and manage the shoot
- Put the lighting learned into practice and demonstrate the options
- Cover these lighting techniques
- Full fashion
- Fitness grunge
- Spots and positioning of model
- Beauty dish options
- Body scape (implied)
- Lightroom and Photoshop editing
- Managing workflow with Lightroom
- Basic editing features in Lightroom
- Editing in Photoshop
- Demonstrate filters
- NIK filters
- Portraiture
- Creating an action
- Dodge and Burn
- Layers
- Masking and some tricks
- Compositing
- Finishing up in Lightroom
- Q&A
- Demonstrate filters
Fine Art Nude Workshop (5 hours)
The goal: to learn the lighting and poses to create the art of the human body.
Requirements: a DSLR camera with a hot shoe for flash attachments and a basic understanding of how it works. Understanding the basics of shutter speed, aperture, and ISO is needed.
Outline: (note: may vary depending on more interest in some topics than others)
- Introductions and quick interview of interests
- Lighting overview (first hour)
- Introduce the idea of ‘conscious imagination’ in lighting
- Introduce studio lighting with the options those bring
- Cover location lighting options (flash and speed light)
- Photoshoot for about 3 hours (model nude or implied the whole shoot)
- Everyone gets a chance to shoot some in each ‘set’ that we create
- Show how to direct a model and manage the shoot
- Put the lighting learned into practice and demonstrate the options
- Cover these lighting techniques
- Fully lit
- Fitness or grunge look
- Spots and positioning of model
- Beauty dish options
- Body scape
- Lightroom and Photoshop editing (1 hour)
- Managing workflow with Lightroom
- Basic editing features in Lightroom
- Editing in Photoshop
- Demonstrate filters
- NIK filters
- Portraiture
- Creating an action
- Dodge and Burn
- Finishing up in Lightroom
- Q&A
- Demonstrate filters