Note to new members. It might be best to start at the bottom and work your way up. I always add the newest, most advanced sessions at the top.
Editing sessions…
Full Edit - Elley on the floor - ES79/2024 - New series of full edits using the newer Adobe LR & PS and slight changes in my processes.
Full Edit - Tripper - ES78 - Basic review of previously learned tools and techniques.
Full Edit - Loe Row with selective colors - ES77 - A rose is a rose, but we’ll make it stand out.
Full Edit - Tayler in the window - ES76 - edit without using any filters. Just D&B and FS and some basic full image adjustments
Full Edit - Elley at Skot Canyon - ES75 - Location edit making her flat and then adding shape back in to keep details
Full Edit - Ariana on the bed - ES74 - Brining an image from blah to popping and blending tan lines
Full Edit - Window light - ES73 - How to use simple window light and how to edit that style of lighting
Full Edit - Hair, hair, and more hair - ES72 - How to make a little hair explode into a massive amount
Full Edit - Sarah G - ES71 - Working with all the usual suspects and how to get an image to pop off the page
Full Edit - Lyssa outdoors - ES70 - Working with FS and DB as well as liquify in natural light
Full Edit - Lyssa - ES69 - A complete edit of a darker bodyscape covering a lot of detail - FS, D&B, and censor bars
Full Edit - Griffin - ES68 - A little dodge and burn training as well as Frequency Separation
Full Edit - Elley on the beach - ES67 - going on location with lighting and a rare beautiful sunset and low tide
Full Edit - Ellie on a bed (NUDE) - ES66 - working the curves with dodge and burn
Full Edit - Loe Row on the wall (NUDE) - ES65 - lots of dodge and burn and shadows
Full Edit - We’ll edit Lisa - ES64 - and add a floor under her feet
Full Edit - Michelle highlighting the face - ES63 - and some D&B and Frequency Separation.
Reflection reflected - ES62 - Double does of doing some reflecting techniques.
The beach - ES61 - Changing the background to be brighter, darker, or even blurred
Red flowing Dress - ES60 - a chance to work with images from a big flowing dress. Composite and modify
Full edit - Marcela in the pool - ES59 - using the usual suspects, D&B and FS. Using Frequency Separation and adding more water drops
The Shadow Knows - ES58 - changing everything before actually editing
More Frequency Separation practice - ES57 - face this time
Frequency Separation made easy - ES56 - Simplifying and explaining the complicated
Using Dodge and Burn to add depth - ES55 - This is how artists bring dimension to paintings and drawings
Full Edit - Michelle’s Triangles - ES54 - Editing a darker image to bring out the artistic triangles
Photoshop Actions - ES53 - How to create one and save some time on repetitive things
Full Edit - Joy in Utah - ES52 - Editing location images works a bit different. Same tools, just different mind set
Full Edit - Ariana in the alley -ES51 - taking a failed image, lighting, and bringing it up to standards and making some art
Frequency Separation 101 - ES50 - Lets learn how to have perfect skin with texture.
Full Edit - Elley Realistic Mirroring - ES49 - How to do a mirror image with a reflection on the floor and make it look real
Full Edit - Elley Steam Punking it - ES48 - We go deep into adding the background and using dodge and burn to make everything pop
Photoshop 101 - ES47 - Just going over the tools and navigation for beginners but regular users might catch something new
Full edit - Shafts of light with Violet - ES46 - You’ll learn ways to add light shafting to an image
Full Edit - Aurora and her wine - ES45 - We’ll play with a new tool in Lightroom. The Texture tool
Lightroom 101 - ES44 - just a quick overview of the interface that might help someone get up and running quicker
Technique - Dark hair to lighter hair - ES43 - we change Aurora from a dark brown to light, light blonde in a few simple strokes
Full Edit - Diana Robe - ES42 - This session we work with Liquify in a way to not change much around it as we morph
Full Edit - Jamie’s Legs - ES41 - This is mostly practice of tools and techniques from previous sessions
Full Edit - Low steampunk - ES40 - This session had a new technique were compositing detailed backgrounds will work better
Full Edit - Ariana into a redhead - ES39 - We’ll change her hair color, but also learn some artist tricks to highlight eyes and lips with D&B
Full Edit - Ariana in HB - ES38 - here we will do an edit without any filters AND take off a back tattoo so it looks natural without it
Full Edit - Aurora and wine PART 1 - ES36 - A basic edit but using liquify to fix a problem in a unique way
Full Edit - Aurora and wine PART 2 - ES37 - Collecting and manipulating backgrounds can be great fun and you can be very creative
Full Edit - From the trash - ES35 - we will take an image we would have normally passed over as under exposed and make it shine.
Full Edit - Candle and Smoke - ES34 - time to get all artsy and put a woman in the smoke of a candle (requested by a member)
Full Edit - Alanna on a box - ES33 - We really fix a problem in this image and learn a technique that can make the impossible, possible
Full edit - Location shot - ES32 - Outside under a tree by a pool. Nice to play with natural light once in a while
Full Edit - Classic woman on a box - ES31 - typical art with a lot of focus on reflected light and enhancing it.
Full edit - Steampunk Marcela - ES30 - in this session we work with adding multipal backgrounds as well as a floor!
Full edit - Reflections with Brittany - ES29 - WARNING NUDITY - we work on some detailed reflection techniques and liquify
Full edit - Ariana brown - ES28 - Covers the bases, but the focus is taking a background, changing the color, and adding it in seamlessly
Full edit - Ariana and the fan - ES27 - Two new elements to this edit. We make a fan look like it’s rotating and we use liquify to clean up a background AS we expand her hair
Full edit - Marcela red dress - ES26 - Changing the head from one image to another and some tricks with liquify
Full edit - The shadow knows - ES25 - shadows and how to use the control to bring things out or make them fade away into the dark.
Full edit, shoot, and interview - ES24 - We cover a lot of bases here. Some talk about how to work with models in an interview.
Full Edit - Danielle - ES23 - we’ll make her taller and use the Mixer brush to make her robe look better.
Layers & Masking - ES22 - these are essential tools in Photoshop
Full Edit - Lilliana/Steampunk - ES21 - covers skin, mixer brush, and D&B as well as adding smoke to the gun
Full Edit - Sarah and the rope - ES20 - Some tips about Lightroom, cleaning floors, and stretching images…and more
Full edit - blurring backgrounds in post - ES19 - this is really a slick way to bring the subject out of the clutter
Light Rays in post - ES18 - adding light rays like the sun as well as straight rays for elegant studio backgrounds.
Spotlight in Photoshop - ES17 - adding lights after the fact can be fun and make a BIG difference in the look of the image
Full Edit of Katrina - ES16 - including adding a background. Includes practice files
Full edit of Ellie - ES15 - basic edit showing lighting used and sample file to edit
The Sponge Brush - ES14 - Change the saturation of any part of your image, more or less
Adding hair - ES13 - how to add hair to an image to make it really stand out (pun intended)
Using Blending Mode to add water to a shower - ES12 - quick and dirty but eye opening if you haven’t tried blending modes yet.
Removing large scars and blemishes - ES11 - a pretty cool trick that can be used for other things as well
Full edit start to finish - ES10 - wonderful practice session with image download
Step by step editing process - ES09 - road map with room to detour
Automask in Lightroom - ES08 - Little known tool and very handy
Reflections - ES07 - making real and surreal reflections on the floor
Mixer Brush - ES06 - this magical tool and all it can do for you
Painting nails - ES05 - and of course other things. How to specifically change the color of anything in your image
Dodge and Burn - ES04 - this is a very important technique to master and pivotal in creating a unique style
Quick full edit - ES03 - a nice example of about how fast the average edit takes and some of the processes.
Photoshop…easier than it looks - ES02 - but it’s not paint by numbers. It’s not step by step.
Another Dodge and Burn lesson - ES01 - with some cool examples.
Compositing - EC03 - the easy way. No cut and paste and works on studio and location images
Compositing with detail - EC02 - slick way to bring a textured background in behind the subject and have the reflection perfect
Compositing with full edit and some effects tricks - EC01 - a half hour of beginning to end edit and explanation
Imagenomic Portraiture filter - EF01 - the fastest way to make skin look close to flawless. Also some more on the Mixer brush.
NIK filters - color FX - EF02 - filters can help you achieve your goal of having a style
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