Another week into 2025, we are still here. I remember 1970 New Year's Day, thinking we were in a fantastic future. After all, we’d just landed men on the moon and brought them back. That was a pretty big WOW for me. Then Y2K happened, and I found myself on a mountaintop guarding the radio installation in case all hell broke loose when computers might think it was 1900. I only heard that the DMV issued some titles for 2000 vehicles as horseless carriages.
Apparently, the world didn’t end. Here we are in 2025, and we still aren’t flying around in personal pods or being beamed around the planet. We still have disease, wars, and no legroom on flights, and we seem to think building artificial intelligence is the answer. Meanwhile, we are still pondering why not all boomerangs don’t come back. As a result, our AI is faster at returning with a conglomeration of the only things it knows. An internet full of drivel and porn.
On the bright side of AI, a NASA team asked AI to design a radio antenna for a spacecraft without constraining it to known working designs. Hmmm, I wonder what it would spit out if we asked it for the perfect biological living organism with the general specifications of a human? I doubt the result would be nearly as beautiful as the current model. Then again, it wouldn’t hurt to check.
I’m sorry if this issue seems a bit more pessimistic than usual. By 2025 I had higher hopes for humanity. Fortunately, as an old guy, I’m sure I’ve forgotten how vivid my dreams were for us. Otherwise, I’d be really depressed.
So, for the kids out there, take a cue from the AI that can think outside the box and make the world better. You don’t have much time! Clean air, water, and everyone eating would be a grand start.
Oh, after a week of reading the news (mistake), I think I’ll continue to post my art on FB and IG only because something good popping up on your screen might help. A spoon full of sugar as it were.
At least until someone doesn’t think it is art and doesn’t think anyone should see it.
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“Be curious, not judgemental” - Walt Whittman
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