This issue is primarily new edits. Last week, being dedicated to a model helps me catch up with edits and since i try to have 30 images, that can be a lot of sit time for my old butt. I may flip-flop from all-new art to a dedicated issue.
I’ll try to do 1on1 interviews with some of the ladies I feature in my art. Those would be excellent companion videos with issues that they are featured in. Now to remember!
With the world in turmoil more than usual, my editing calms me. Sitting and watching old art float by every few seconds on my screen saver takes me to delightful times with some wonderful people. Anything to take me away from the happenings in the world is a good escape. Talking with fellow hams on the radio can be a grounding pastime. (pun intended). Just talking with others who are living in the same world but are also reaching out to talk with someone. From Russia, France, or just the guy down the street, they are all fun to chat with. And I make it a point to stay off the topic of politics. If it appears to be sliding that way, I apply the force. “These are not the droids you are looking for”. Just ask a question about them. Works every time.
It has been a lovely geeky week for me. I have yet another new radio. This one is a portable handheld receiver that covers every frequency I’d ever need to listen to. I’m so pleased I’ve lived long enough to see everything from tube technology to software-defined radios. That is the equivalent of someone who got to experience the Wright Brothers’ first flight and 66 years later watching a man set foot on the moon.
I also have a new 3D printer that is light years ahead of the original ones I played with a decade ago. It is a Bambu P1S and is totally enclosed, and has four colors of filament available to print with. It is located in the prop closet, so I never hear it, and I can send it a job from my phone, pad, or computer. Then I get a message when it’s finished. It just freak’n works and prints beautifully. And almost 3 times faster than the original machines. Yeah, happy geek here.
You should be happy, too. Remember to reach out and say “HEY!” or maybe donate a little if you enjoy the Museletter.
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“Be curious, not judgemental” - Walt Whittman
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…