Well, it’s getting to be that season I guess. Christmas music playing in the restaurant and Christmas cookies already at Costco. We picked up a couple tins of shortbread cookies and we have some Eggnog from the local diary. After all, it is Thanksgiving in a few weeks, right? Time to cuddle up next to the fireplace and wish it was cold enough to have a burning log in it.
Our week long getaway to visit friends was a great success and we had a great time.
This morning I had the great pleasure of shooting with Elley again after months…about 19 weeks actually. We had a list and hit just about every look we went after and then some. I haven’t had a chance to edit any but I’m sure the next Museletter will have a good number of new edits from this morning as well as others. She’s like a non-deductible daughter to us and we love having her butt around.
And the show she was in Greenland for is already edited and the first episode coming out next week. It looks like it’s pretty awesome. The usual reality show drama of course. Check it out!
I’m starting to itch a little to do some location work. The fresh air would do me good and I do love natural light. So the wheels are spinning, not to fast mind you, but some traveling around a bit is certainly in my camera’s future. I owe it that much, right?
This week I’m featuring a single model once again. I received a lot of feedback that it was a well liked idea. I do have some new edits but I’ll save those for next week where it should be all new work. I haven’t decided who it will be so we’ll both be just as surprised. Okay, it will be Ziva. I’ve always loved the fine curves she has for my fine art. A favorite for sure.
On the geek side of things, my ham friend Wayne in Santa Ynez, who we visited with his wife Jayne, has decided he had to many radios sitting around. For the life of me I’d never heard of the concept of ‘to many radios’. So, to help him out I bought two from him, something I’ve always wanted of course, and added to Linda’s concept of too many radios. One is a 2000 watt amplifier so I can transmit with the legal limit of power. I’d hate to deprive someone of my melodious voice being loud and clear on their end. And a Drake L4B is a work of art, of course. Me being the beholder and all. The other is the last radio the famous Hallicrafters brand offered. If they would have offered it sooner they would have gone out of business that much sooner. It was a last gasp product. Wayne had showed me a nasty electrical burn on his hand and told me how he’d gotten shocked by one of the radios he was working on. As I’m loading the Hallicrafters into my car he lets me know that was the radio that bit him. Thank you Wayne!!
And a week from tomorrow Colby and I are getting together for our first taping of our new…ah… blog, video series, whatever it turns into. I think y’all will enjoy it because it’s going to be different than anything I’ve seen about photography. (like no one has ever said that before)
Ad: On the 20th of November, I’m doing a group class with 6 photographers and Elley as the model. It’s all about lighting and then some editing over Zoom. That should be great fun for all. And she’s going to book up the following day in the studio for 1on1 shoots with photographers. So if you don’t need a class (21st), here’s your change to work with a real pro. And if you’d like to take the class, click the link.
Book the class here
Enjoy the art!
Until next week, enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…