This week in the life…
Hi everyone!
I’m shocked I’ve been doing this for 70 weeks. I remember sitting in an AirB&B in Huntington Beach and thought to myself it was time to not rely as much on social media and also let people see my work full size and not all scrunched up with compression with FB and IG. I’ll bet a lot of you have just gotten used to the crappy pictures and its, well, the new acceptable normal. We accept way to much shit as normal these days.
Well, I did my first shoot in about 6 months. I was sick most of December and January, and then, like a jealous side kick, the rest of the world decided to join me. I hate being a trend setter. Anyhow, I have shot with Kenzie Kelley a bunch of times. Loved every time we shot. Her sister Whitney has a baby bump and she asked if I would shoot it. The first four images I edited for her are in the gallery below.
The image at the top, and a bunch of them in the gallery this week are of Lyssa. She never fails to get me laughing when I come across her post on FB. She has a naughty, quirky, and ‘you aren’t the boss of me’ kind of sense of humor. Love it and her. Such a sweetie. We hope to shoot again soon.
Speaking of shooting soon, Linda and I still wear masks when we are around others for the most part. Up here in the forest it’s way easier to distance. So, I’ve been chatting with a few models about coming up and enjoying the fresh cool air, the creek, and get some art as we do it. Lots of takers. So, this may be the summer where most of my work will be outside with lots of green ferns and dusty roads.
Some of you know we have a little Airstream Basecamp, and for a while it was for sale. But Linda and I decided, after the quick trip to San Diego, and how handy it was, to keep it and do 2-3 day trips in it. So, instead of everyone coming here to shoot, I can hit Tucson or New Mexico, or Baghdad, AZ. Should be great for that. To prepare, today I added a device called a soft start to the AC unit that lets it run on our little 2kw Honda generator. And damned if I didn’t get it right without sparks flying everywhere. It seems to run perfectly and even quieter than before. But, we misplaced the adapter for the generator so we can’t test it until we get back from a day trip to the valley to get hair cuts and more food on Saturday. I’m not the kind of guy who usually gets little projects like that right the first time. I’m a happy camper. Pun intended.
And, I added one more little toy to my collection of radios. This one would let me talk to other hams through the many satellites that Ameaur Radio has put in orbit over the years. Yep, we have satellites! And there’s also moon bounce, where we aim our antennas at the moon and the signal bounces back and any ham on the moon side of the planet could bounce a greeting back. Okay, try to out geek THAT!!
Be safe and wash your hands!
Dave & Linda
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New images…and some classics

Until next week….
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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.