This week in the life…
Hi everyone!
Welcome to Wednesday. For many it was just like Tuesday and will be just like Thursday. (grin) Yeah, we are in that ground hogish loop ourselves. But tomorrow Linda and I are break’n out’a ‘dis joint! Tomorrow we head to San Diego to pick up some old Drake amateur radios from a minister/ham and I’m giving him (besides cash for the radios) a box of face shields and N95 adjustable bands that he will be taking to a poor hospital in Tijuana. And I can’t think of a better place for them. Arizona is doing fairly well with those two things at least. And, of course, if I get stopped and asked if my trip is essential, well, yeah!! I have PPE gear to deliver. Coming back Friday and hope to see the Blue Angels from Chandler and then back to Bonita. We are taking our little Airstream Basecamp with us so basically we are staying at home. Our own potty and resteraunt and bed to spend the night.
So, I did some fun edits this week and a lot more than I usually do. Still some older work mixed in, but more than half is new. If you are a real fan you should be able to pick it all out. All fun edits. Especially now because most of these ladies miss shooting as much as the photographers do. And getting new images from past shoots is a breath of fresh air.
Speaking of shoots. Elley and I are going to meet up here in the forest and do a distanced shoot soon. I’m really excited. Frankly, it’s not like I’m touchy-feely with models so it’s not going to be all that different. No hug at the end but you can bet I’m keeping track of hugs owed. I have an idea for a very specific spot in the forest that used to be a little town full of young men and some families during a time not all that different financially than we are headed for. During the great depression the government formed two organizations to put people to work. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The WPA built roads, bridges, water works, and sometimes, if a sidewalk is old enough you can still see the WPA stamp in it. Up here in the forest we have what was a CCC camp and their job was to build fire roads and trails. If you go on a trail in one of our national forests it’s a good chance some group of young men in the CCC created it. And that’s where we plan to shoot. There be ghosts there.
And, not to spoil you or anything, but I gave a little presentation to a group on FB I’m in and we used Zoom. And I put the recording of it on Youtube for those who missed it in the group. BUT, why not share this with my loyal and borde followers?!?!? So, here is an hour long video that talks about reflections in photography. Not looking back….actual reflections. And I do a few demonstrations in the second half of how I do it. Warming, this would be like Pen and Teller telling you how they get that rabbit in that hat, so it might spoinl my art for y’all. So, you have been warned. Otherwise, enjoy! And if you think I sound like Bob Ross, you should see how my hair is starting to look!!
Be safe and wash your hands!
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New images…and some classics

Until next week….
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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.