Please feel free to give me some feedback on how much you enjoyed it (or not) and what you’d like to see, or see more of. Here’s a link for feedback.
Thank you all so much for your support!!!
Hey everyone!
It’s been a long week but fun week. A couple students and a couple studio rentals. This Saturday we have our last Fine Art Nude Lighting class until fall…and there is one spot open if any of your photographers want to jump on it. Go for it!
I had a chance to do a few shoots but mostly teaching. I took Violet out on the town…Tempe, my old stoping grounds for when I worked 100 years ago. I can’t explain the thrill of going in with no specific idea in mind, just a willing muse, and a camera. We ended up rocking it. Examples will be below of course. I have a pretty solid calendar for the rest of the month so I’ll have plenty to edit. I expect I’ll be taking some to England and Ireland and edit them during any down time. I think I may be kidding myself about having anything to do other than sight seeing, hiking, eating, and sleeping.
Note that one of the things that happened this week was the email system i was using to send out this newsletter announced it was going to start charging…a lot. So, I moved over to a company called Mail Chimp and a free account. It’s actually pretty cool, but I could have gotten more sleep if I didn’t need to learn a new system. Soooo, if something is wrong with the newsletter it’s probably me and something I didn’t do correctly. Please let me know.
I know how much people seem to enjoy the before and after pictures so I’ve included a couple here. Aurora and I were playing around and had this idea. So we created it in the studio and then sat down to edit in the floor, wall, and chalk board. The ‘chalk’ is actually a AA battery. Never trust what you see in my work. ;)
Going on location to Tempe had a second motive. This new Canon R mirrorless camera is going to be doing a LOT of street photography while I’m over there and I really needed to prove to myself that it’s going to work for me. I’m pleased to report it certainly will. I’ve found so much I love about it. My Canon 5D4 (top of the pack) hasn’t been used since I unboxed the R. The camera pack will evidently work well and be comfortable as our day pack while we are over there because, in a moment of panic I thought I’d left my pack with $4000 worth of lenses behind somewhere. For about 30 seconds I was coming to grips with how happy some homeless person was right now. Violet even took off her heels and was ready to run around looking for it with me. Until I realized….it was on my back. That’s pretty comfortable I’d say. (grin)
Enough yapping. I present to you, Art Newsletter THIRTEEN!
On to some art!!
And some art never before seem since I don’t post the ‘tawdry’ work on social media anymore.
Shameless ad
Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.
Edits from this week.
Every week I do this Wednesday thing I’m shocked. I am faced with just how many edits I’ve done in just a week. I love it and can’t go long without editing something. I get the shakes. So, here is a mish mash of images, newly shot and some from past shoots. I really need to stop shooting and just edit all the work sitting there waiting for my attention. Enjoy! And feel free to let me know if you see something you really like.

Guitars and beautiful women.
More guitar women this week.