Busy day yesterday. I had a shoot up here at Bonita, which has been relatively rare lately. It was a fun few hours, and I tried some things I hadn’t done up here.
It was also warm, and we gave up and turned on the AC, even though it was only like 93 or 94. My radio/edit room gets way warmer. Turning on the AC for the first time after the solar system installation was an excellent test. And it surprised me how little it changed our power balance. It is nice that we now know we can even run our air conditioning and know that we are generating all of the power needed to keep cool in the cabin.
In preparation for the picture books, I’m going to start releasing that feature a single model in each one, I’m starting to focus my editing time on those models. I won’t divulge who they are until the release happens, but I’m pretty sure you all will be pleased with the results. It’s important to have some new work to add to each issue.
Lately, I’ve gotten extra joy from editing. I think it’s the doldrums of the end of summer approaching and the lack of shoots. I do have three scheduled over the next two months to look forward to. One is in California and will have a couple for part of the shoot. I get to turn on my old ‘romance novel’ thoughts and direct a couple into as romantic poses as I can think of. The only difference is that I’m not expecting anything to end up on a cover since Amazon has clamped down on how romantic a cover can look. Basically, if it’s not a nun, it won’t work for them.
I expect it’ll get spicy but still not cross any lines. In any case, it’ll be fun. We’ll be visiting friends and family for that same week, the first part of October.
My follower group on Deviant Art has been growing faster than expected. Having a good outlet for uncensored art is nice. Like my website, I can put anything out there. A few magazines have also approached me for publication. That’s always an honor. Although, these days, you can expect not to be paid for what you provide, you often have to go BUY the magazine to see how it looks. I missed the days when advertising held up the magazines, and they paid authors and artists. Did you know a model can get on the cover of Playboy fairly easily today? Yep, for $6k anyone can get on the cover. For only $3k, you can have a spread inside the magazine. It might be Playboy Zimbabwe, but it’s a cover. This way, they can sell hundreds of covers each month.
Like everything else, magazines are not like they used to be. Some are pretty cool, though. I have a friend that publishes a nice one. Check it out.
For the geeks out there, I’m still enjoying my new antenna…big time. But I acquired a new radio this last week. A company that recently went out of business called Ten Tec made some of the finest radios, and they are fully American-made. Talk about audiophile sound, which works well in the morse code mode. Of course, this one is probably 30 years old, and I must give it some tender loving care. With the help of my friend Clark, it is 99% perfect. And yeah, I needed a new radio. No such thing as to many toys, right?!?
This week’s video is part two of my interview with Elley. Enjoy!
Stay cool, happy, and healthy!
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…