A fairly quiet week up here in the forest, even with the Labor Day holiday and all. I hope you all had a great time and stayed safe.
We’ve lived up here in Bonita Creek for over 19 years now and it’s been nice and quiet with no full time neighbors close at all. Well, thanks to the pandemic, and the whole change of mindsets about living in the burbs for some folks, all three empty lots behind us have sold and two of them now have trailers on them. One is to have a place to stay while building and the other plans to turn it into an AirB&B it seems. Of course, I wouldn’t even think of telling anyone else how to live their lives. But I do reserve the right to piss and moan about loosing our peace and quiet. (grin). Life goes on and progress is sometimes a good thing…I suppose. Quiet progress.
This morning an Elk buck was making a lot of noise in the front yard…metallic banging sounds. I knew that couldn’t be good whatever it was when I heard it. And there he was, fighting with our metal whirligig and bent the shit out of it. I yelled at him and he acted like a puppy that got caught in the trash. Hilarious to see. So I walked up and bent it all back into shape as he watched. Then I put out more bird seed and he proceeded to munch that down. So, I do believe I set him straight. Now, when he wants food all he has to do is beat the shit out of my whirligig and I’ll come out and feed him. Right?
No shoots this week, but some new edits with some past ones mixed in to make this week’s Museletter fluffy. We head back to Chandler a week from Thursday to prepare for THREE 1on1 classes over the next week. I hope to sneak a shoot or two in that week since we are there. We shall see.
My additional two sets of wings showed up last week. I’d ordered three from Etsy and a company in the Ukraine. Beautiful work. But only the Steampunk wings arrived. I contacted them and they said they were sorry and the others would go out express. I figured that was still 6 more weeks. Nope. They showed up in under 2 weeks and, of course, the day after we came up to Bonita. And I had to sign for them. Crap!! So, we did a fast turn around a few days later for a breakfast out, get some more groceries, and pick up a huge box of angel wings at the post office. I’m sure they were happy to have that out of the back room. So now the studio has some wings.
If you like the Beatles and have Hulu, you should watch “3 2 1 McCartney”. What an awesome behind the scenes of where the music came from and how their amazing sounds came about.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…