This week in the life…
Greetings all!
I hope you all had a great last week. It is September already and that just doesn’t seem right somehow. Like my days are being taken from me. But, it has brought some cooler air up here. Like past summers, it’s just a tease and this weekend is supposed to be a scorcher. Stay cool everyone.
So, Linda and I are STILL clearing the lot but we are very close to being finished. We are already sitting back in the evenings and enjoy viewing the work we’ve done. This morning we took the little orange UTV (Minion) out for a spin around the yard and used the winch to put out a LOT of the stumps that were dotting our yard. Made me feel powerful and manly too. The Benford 5000 winch did a great job. And today I received a block and tackle so tomorrow we might see about getting some of the tougher stumps out. Look at this geeky city boy doing wood chippers and winches. Still time to edit.
So, I revisited some older shoots to come up with new edits as I have been. I sure miss the creativity and commarodery of doing photoshoots. Being teased and teasing is half the fun. More than half. I do wish we could all agree there is a problem and face it together. By now we’d be doing spot outbreak control by neighborhood instead of by state. So many lives have been changed. All of them. Makes me sad.
I got Linda a new washer and dryer and they were installed yesterday. Very nice LG units and she seems to like them. They don’t interfere with my ham radios like the old ones did so I’m very happy.
And Linda and I discovered the fun of TikTok. We are both on it, but mostly to just lurk and laugh at the jokes. I’ll be honest. I got on because someone decided to ban it. Yeah, I’m contrary like that. I’m @davekelleyartistics if you want to follow. Elley Cat is on too and if you want to learn about geology, she’s knowlegable, energetic, and is nice to look at. Not your typical geologist by any means. I believe the word cleavage was originally about rocks, right? “Elley Rocks” ;) @elleyknowsrocks
Other than some good movies all week, ice cream, pudding, and sleeping with our heads right next to the window and enjoying cool breezes all night, it’s the same old boring time. Pitty us. ;) Pitty Linda, she’s stuck with this old guy.
You all be good, but not to the point of not enjoying life. Be considerate, think for yourself, and enjoy every breath.
You all have a wonderful week and see you next Wednesday!!
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New images…and some classics

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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.