Well, it’s been a busy week at Bonita Creek. We are preparing to transition to Chandler for the Winter, so the task of picking what goes down with us and what stays here is upon us. We have gotten much better with the quantity of ‘things’ we move back and forth. It is almost down to computers, clothes, and food. But, just as we go down to Chandler every other week for one reason or another, I expect we will visit Bonita just as often. Probably for longer. And certainly, if snow is in the forecast up here.
I’ve been doing some edits from the content shot years ago and enjoying the outcome very much. The old love/hate thing where I love finding some art that never saw the light of day but hate that I missed it the first time. On the other hand, I think I can see art in images I didn’t see before. Editing for over a decade means my toolset and eye have changed and what didn’t look like a good candidate does now. That is kinda cool. I expect, assuming I keep going with my art, that in another 5 years I might see other art options I missed.
This week’s featured model is Marcella. I miss working with her, and I hope I get a chance this fall/winter to create more content with her. Especially with Dania on her makeup. They rock!!
I’ll mix in a little of Elley with some shots that go along with the video that features her this week.
Speaking of Elley, in a month I’ll be spending a few days with her and Dan, her fiance, shooting some new content at an abandoned mine or three. And I’m going to do some engagement photos for them. I’m honored she’d ask me to do that for them. They are good kids.
I can call anyone a kid now. In November, I hit the 70 mark. It would be a different number if we lived on a different planet, so hey, it’s just a number. From what I can tell, 70 is the new 16 without acne, with more money and wisdom and much longer healing times. And a lot less giving a fuck…that’s nice.
So, today I have a shoot with Ashlieya here at Bonita Creek. Pretty much our last full day up here. She’s always fun to shoot with. How could she not be with a head full of curly red hair?
On the geek front, I’m excited to announce that my Elecraft K4 radio that I ordered in February has a tracking number and will be in Chandler by the weekend. Now, don’t ask me to count the number of radios I have. It is a large number to be sure. I do have a list of radios I’m going to sell, so that may help in both space and having time for what I keep. But I will say that every radio I ever dreamed about owning, I have. And this new one will, indeed, be my last brand new, store-bought radio. It is based on software, so every once in a while, it’ll change and get better anyhow, so it’ll grow.
This week I added two new antennas to the roof of the house. The 900 MHz repeater now has a much larger coverage, and a VHF/UHF vertical was added with a 12db gain. I can talk directly to people in the valley on that one now, and for those who don’t know what the heck I just said, just know it’s amazing range. When I climbed back into the window from the roof, I did make a mental note that I’m done with roof crawling. It only has to end badly once to be life-changing. I have people I can call for that now. I used to be one of those people. ;)
Until next week, when we will be poised to visit California to visit friends and family…
Stay cool, happy, and healthy!
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…