The quiet before the storm. Over the last week I’ve poked around Bonita pulling out stumps and trimming the love grass back. And moving rocks to edge the pathways. And working on some 3D printer designs using TinkerCAD for my remote radio station. All very quiet with a mixture of naps and sitting on the deck swing just staring off at the forest roll along the base of the rim. And, of course, some editing for my soul.
Starting Friday I have three 1on1 classes to teach and so far a couple shoots scheduled in the middle. This would be the storm. I do love storms though and I’m very excited to get some teaching going and some shoots. It feels like forever since I’ve done either. It hasn’t been for the shooting…but it’s always great to have some fresh material to edit from.
So tomorrow morning bright and early we head to the valley for a week. I have wings to hang up high on the studio wall. Those are going to be great additions to the studio options. I also have to set up a safe training environment with my computers. Even before this C19 thing started, I was doing training by having a second large monitor where the student could watch what I was doing without looking over my shoulder. Even more important now. Although I think having the full screen right in front of someone lets them immerse in the session. And, of course, have room for them to work on their own laptop and try out what they are learning.
On the artistic side, I’ve been doing some edits that seem to be a bit of a shift in my style. I’m probably going a little overboard on dodge and burn, but in some images that still looks good. I’ve discovered a really nice way to help bring in different backgrounds without totally painting them in around someone. (my students will be learning that, and I’ll have to add a new video to the training site). I hope others like the shift, but frankly, the only one I can possibly please is my own heart. That’s the whole idea behind art. And why I rarely do anything else. When someone comes to me and wants images I would hope they want the style I do. When I’m asked to do something that’s not my art (hey, you have a camera, can you take my corporate headshot!?!) I find a photographer for them that is great at that. Saves us both time because frankly, I suck at pretty much anything other than what I do. I’m a jack of one trade.
This week’s images are a mix of old and new. The long time followers can try to guess which ones are new. New followers, welcome, and just enjoy…hopefully.
Meanwhile, I do love hearing from you if you enjoy the Museletter. Especially if you have a favorite image, or one moved you in some way.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…