Another stormy week up here at Bonita. Yesterday was nice and cool with a cool breeze. It almost felt like mother nature hadn’t forgotten that fall and winter are supposed to be cooler and even cold.
I had a shoot last week with Ash. She’s featured in the video and there are 3 or 4 images in the gallery this week. She’s a sweetheart, and we spent hours all over the property. I know I get exhausted, but it’s fun, and I push on.
The plan has been for us to head to the valley in October. Still is. A week in California and then hanging in Chandler for the most part for fall and winter with a few trips to Bonita to enjoy the snow and the holidays. We put up a tree last year. But for just Linda and I, it wasn’t nearly as nice as having some young kids around. You know, presents on Christmas morning, etc.
Before we go down I have two shoots planned with a couple of ladies I’ve shot with before, and I’m excited to see what new ideas I can come up with up here. There are some things I’ve done with just about everyone who comes up, and sometimes you just have to mix things up. You know, to get into a whole new rut. (grin)
Then in California, I’ll be shooting with Nikole Mitchel with some of just her in her new home but also some hot romance novel-type shots with a male model. It’s been a while since I’ve done a couple. It’s actually pretty fun directing them into steamy poses and then shooting it and directing as we go along. Watching the models look like they are really getting into it until I put the camera down and say, “we got it” and they both go back to just being two people in the room. Usually giggling. That’s about the only time I direct with a running commentary. If both modes agree I’ll try to video that session so you all can see this old guy tell some youngsters what to do to look sexy. Yeah, right.
Then, when we get back from California I have a couple more shoots on the books. I’m excited about both of those too. In all of that, only two of those models are people I’ve never met. As I’ve said before, I seem to enjoy working with the same people often because I know what we’ll get. But, they were all first-timers once too.
I need to apologize about something you might notice about future Museletters. I had a whole system to make sure I didn’t feature the same images more than once, at least in the same couple of years. Somehow that system got totally messed up, and you might see some galleries that look a lot like a past Museletter. If you are like me, you won’t remember anyhow. (grin). Unfortunately, you probably aren’t, so, sorry about that. I’ll be starting over with the system, and this time I’ll try not to screw it up. But, I don’t know how I messed up this time, so no promises. I’ll be happy to refund every penny you paid for the Museletter.
Okay, gotta have some geek news. Last November, I ordered a radio I knew might take a year to get. It’s likely the most advanced radio available, and it is made in the USA! Well, they contacted me a few days ago and said they are building mine and they invoiced me. I’ve also never paid this much for any radio. For those interested, and the Hams that follow me, here is a link to the brochure. Here is where majoring in want and minoring in need comes in handy. It is obvious I don’t NEED another radio. But I want it, so, done! Meanwhile, I completely cleaned up and aligned some older 1970’s Drake radios and behold, I not only didn’t screw them up, but they work very well now. Like new! So, besides chores around Bonita, I’ve been playing radios.
Stay cool, happy, and healthy!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…