Greetings to the Western Hemisphere!

Well, I’m composing this after spending a day packing for my trip. You should be reading it days later when I’m in Dublin. The world is a small place, isn’t it? I will be very busy with photography and some sightseeing with my son for the next three weeks. So, I’ll let you know I may take a break from the Museletter for a few weeks. We shall see how it goes.

But, if you click on the menu item above called ‘Museletters’ you’ll find 294 others from the archive. Enjoy!!

This issue has some new art of Tayler from our first shoot in 2014. I was still learning, and the work we did wasn’t bad. I had the lighting style down, and I still use it today. My editing skills and my eye are very different. So, enjoy.

Shooting in Ireland has been something I’ve wanted to do since day one. And having a week to shoot will be wonderful. Beautiful models and the green and castle-infested countryside will be great fun! Each day, we get bussed to a different part of the country. Of course, I’ll also get to meet some cool photographers.

And I’m taking my portable editing station with me in the hotel room for the evenings. So, I might have some new edits before the week is out. I’m looking forward to it.

I haven’t done a shoot in over two months at this point. So there is that too.

Funny story. I got an email from the hotel in Dublin welcoming me soon. The date was 10/9/2024 for checking in. I’m like, OMG, that’s all wrong. I started freaking out until I noticed on my booking email that I check out on 13/9/2024. Damned Europeans. Can’t the rest of the world just do things like this wrong like Americans do?

Linda and I have been waiting for the new booster shot that works on the latest variant. So, on Friday, we got it in both arms…we always get a flu shot, too. So, Saturday was a quiet day around here. The only side effects last a day; for us, it’s just being tired all day. After that, we are good to go. I know it takes a week before it is effective, but I should have a previous booster to help out until then. The reason I mention it is that I just got off of 11 hours of time spent in a metal tub with a few hundred other humans. You can bet more than one had Covid.

Stay cool and enjoy life. Spend it like you only have the one.

To be a great conversationalist, ask questions and listen. Repeat.

“Be curious, not judgemental” - Walt Whittman

And if you’d like to give me feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form

New images…and some classics

This week in the life…