
Well, that was fun! Some of you messaged me with their concern that their weekly Museletter had stopped arriving. I’m touched that my absence was noticed. Thank you and I’m sorry for the break in editions while my son and I traveled over five countries in Europe in about three weeks. It was as fun and hectic as I expected. And the internet connections were as diverse as the wonderful people. I knew I couldn’t sit for the time it takes to put a Museletter together and then struggle to get the issues uploaded, so for the first time in over five years, I missed a few weeks. But, I’m back!

The trip was wonderful and took me away from photography for a couple of weeks. The first week was all photography and I met a lot of new peers/friends. That was the purpose of going to Ireland for that first week. We traveled all over and have models to work with. Lots of opportunities and some of those finished images will slip into the gallery over the next few months.

Since coming home I have posted some images that would normally be fine on so-so media but they got flagged and my hand virtually slapped. Maybe I’m finally together enough to see the situation more clearly regarding promotion on so-so media, or, more likely, I’m finally way past caring about likes and attention. My love of creation and having a few special people see and enjoy the art is all I need today. Heck, I can sit and watch my screen saver flip through a few of the 9k+ finished images and I get to experience the memories of the people, shoots, traveling, and the laughs all over again. What more could I ask for? It’s about the people I have met, they come and go and some stay around for life. Some wander into the mist leaving one to wonder about their lives now. I hope they are all happy and safe.

The extra soul-searching will change little with my art. I will love creating until I can’t hold the pen, or can’t see the screen. I’ve loved the people, the process, and the results, and hopefully being a small bright spot in some lives.

I’m going to do more training as well as create some new coffee table art books. Those are the best ways to help the art last at least a little longer than a lifetime.

“Be curious, not judgemental” - Walt Whittman

And if you’d like to give me feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form

New images…and some classics

This week in the life…