We’ve migrated back to Chandler now for the winter. Being closer to the studio may mean more shooting opportunities. I already have Kristy and Alanna on the calendar, and I love shooting both. And it’s been a while. Somethings to look forward to.
I’m feeling a change in the winds of art. The world used to change so slowly that it took a generation or two for something to show up as a noticeable change. Today, things change in months. I’m talking about AI in particular….this time. So many wonderful photographers I have loved and followed throughout my short career have taken to doing everything with AI instead of using their cameras and hard-earned skills at lighting and editing to create fine art. I have nothing against change new ways to do things, and the art they create is remarkable. Other than the AI systems stealing every picture or book it can get access to so that it has examples of things to emulate and manipulate. That’s kind of creepy. But, it is a runaway train, and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. I think I have a new phrase for the art it creates. “Plastic Flowers” It will look amazing, but it is missing the fragrance that comes with the work and creativity of a manual process.
All of that said, it is just my opinion. And, I admit, I do use AI to create backgrounds for me.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the past 14 years of this photography/art adventure I’ve been on. I venture to guess I have met and interacted with more people than I have in my entire previous life. I’ve made some lifelong friends, and some good acquaintances, and everyone has been a pleasure. There are a handful that, for some reason or another, decided they didn’t want me in their story any longer. I’ll admit that I’m one of those males who could easily say something that someone may take offense to and not even think twice. Hell, for me, thinking once is often a challenge these days. (grin) So, I’m left with people I cherish and love their company more than they know, and some people I miss for whatever reason, but I’ve learned to cherish the moments we did spend together. And I wish them all happy, healthy, and long lives with as few road bumps as possible.
I’ve also learned more about people. The word normal does not come to mind. The complexity of each person’s life can be mind-blowing. We can never know someone beyond superficially. We are such intricate beings who are constantly influencing and being influenced by others and situations. And there are EIGHT BILLION of us doing that 24/7. What’s not to love about that?
Well, we are two months from Christmas day. I don’t know about you, but all I want is an official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time. Then again, I’d probably shoot my eye out.
Happy holidays!
To be a great conversationalist, ask questions and listen. Repeat.
“Be curious, not judgemental” - Walt Whittman
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New images…and some classics
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