Age is only important if you allow it to be your state of mind. I made it around sol 70 times yesterday, and I still feel like I will make it another 70. I’m sure having a blast. Having had the journey that I did, my only real regrets are that some things I didn’t start earlier. I would have loved to have gotten into photography much earlier in life. I think it would have influenced who I am today, no doubt. I know my choice to become a ham radio enthusiast has made a BIG difference in who I became.
I don’t recall if I shared that I was dreadfully shy in my early teens. I couldn’t look anyone in the eye, and I was very quiet. A Sunday school teacher saw this and started working with me to crack that shell. He would lift my chin when I had to talk about something in the group and make me look at him. He taught me to think about what I wanted to say, count to three, and say it. Today some wish it was a count to one hundred. (grin). Between that learning experience and then talking with strangers over the radio changed me from being a severe introvert to at least being sociable.
Some of you read the first part of last week’s Museletter as it is the last one. Sorry. I was joking about it being the last one before I turned seventy. I will not end the publishing until I can’t do it for some reason. Heck, I use it to have a reason to check what day of the week it is.
This week, Linda and I decided to head back up to Bonita for the week and will head back to Chandler by the weekend. Unless we get some snow. I love snow, and we have a storm coming. It is already raining in California, and that’s always a good sign. And, my radios play so much better on this new antenna and the quiet noise level without hundreds of people living around me with noisy appliances.
Today’s video is an example of how ‘staged’ the pictures typically are. The idea is to make an image depict an actual situation. In this case, even the video will fool you in some ways. For example, the guy has his underoos on in the tub. Nikole obviously doesn’t. I think her giraffes were in the wash.
That was a fun day with plenty of laughs and shoot opportunities with both Nikole alone and some with a male model. All professional, even with the giggles and banter.
I still have a lot of images to edit from the last week of solid shoots. The future only has a couple of shoots in the calendar, so I’ll have plenty of time to get some new work edited.
I recently had a chance to shoot with two beautiful ladies I haven’t worked with for years. They were a true joy as always, to create with. And we made some fantastic art. One image with a baby in it has been a favorite for a few years, and I was given the go-ahead to publish it. I’ve wanted to do that image since I started 13 years ago. Let me know what you think.
Stay excellent, happy, and healthy!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…