Well, the last day of May is here already. Christmas is right around the corner. Brrrr, can you feel the chill in the air?!? Nah, neither can I. We still have a very hot summer ahead of us here in Arizona. And very possibly in other parts of the world that don’t have AC in their cars, homes, work, and schools.
It has been an interesting week. As I mentioned last week, we are in California this week, and so far, I’ve gotten in one really nice shoot with Nikole and visited with two of my favorite photographers. We had a wonderful breakfast with Tony here, who has some of the most amazing wave, smoke, and water droplet art you’ll ever find. And that afternoon, I had a chance to visit for a few hours with Phillip Ritchie, someone I have admired since day one almost 13 years ago. His work has inspired me from the beginning and continues to do so. I’m so happy to call them both friends.
I’m creating this on Sunday because on Monday, I’ll be shooting some fantastic work here at my daughter’s home (while she’s running around with the feral chickens in Hawaii), and it will be Elley and Karen Bates for makeup and hair. With Karen, it is always off-the-charts art and many good laughs. I’ll undoubtedly do some BTS of that shoot. Dan, Ellie’s new hubby, will be here to help with the lights.
The next day Elley, Linda, Dan, and I will be heading to the beach for some fun making art and some hanging out I’m sure. I’m thinking some B&W Monroe style fun shots and some with her and her new partner. Well, legal partner now. She has some other ideas she’ll be bringing along that is ocean related. So, we shall see. At least we’ll have been on the beach the day after a three day weekend.
Then, on the Saturday we get home, I’ll be shooting a young girl named Pip and getting her some portfolio work for her acting and modeling career. That will be different and fun for me. Way younger than I’m used to shooting, but with the name Pip I expect a lot of energy.
The video this week is from my shoot with Nikole at her home in Newport. It is just a small part of what we created over three hours. It was fun catching up with her busy life as a life coach and influencer. I’m proud that she picked me four years ago to do a launch shoot for her new life.
As I’ve waxed on about in past Museletters, some people are in your life story for just a few sentences and some whole chapters, and I’m finding some make it for whole volumes, and I’m pretty happy about that.
I dare you to get up, right this minute, and go hug someone you love and tell them how much they mean to you. As long as it doesn’t end in a restraining order, of course.
Stay open-minded and curious, my friends!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…