Please feel free to give me some feedback on how much you enjoyed it (or not) and what you’d like to see, or see more of. Here’s a link for feedback.
Thank you all so much for your support!!!
Hey everyone!
It’s been a fun week. We’ve been at Bonita Creek, our forest hobbit hole, complete with indoor plumbing and fast enough internet. And doughnuts. So, very comfortable. It’s actually been fairly cold up here so we’ve enjoyed some nice open windows and some rain.
Some of you know I’m a Ham operator, or formally called Amateur Radio Operator. Have been since 1966, when I was like 14. Call sign AI7R. We installed a bunch of cameras so we can watch over our place from anywhere we are. Linda captured me in my cave/workstation/radio station. Damn I look like such a dumpy old guy. Looks are not deceiving, unfortunatly.
So, I did more edits from my fun time with Violet in Tempe. Especially the stairs that I love to work with, although it’s been years. She pulled it off perfectly. As has become a standard, I’ve included a before and after image on the right. As an artist I take what I can on location and make it the art I want to see. I actually love the original just fine. Funny how the slanted stairs exposes those with OCD. (grin)
So, I reframed it, stretched the stairs, made her taller and changed her just a little. Bigger hair of course. And that dress has proven to look amazing with a little artistic dodge and burn to make her shape stand out in it. Even when the models wear clothes, it’s still about the model and not the clothes in my art.
My training is going well with a lot of new people signing up. The 1on1 classes are on hold until I get back from the UK in late June. I hope I get some editing done during that 28 day trip. But I also hope I just don’t have the time. With cliffs, London, Dover, the Giants Causeway, and all the trails and Castles in Ireland and England…I just might be busy living a different life for a bit. Meeting people with very different lives, mingling, and eating some new kinds’ of food. Yep, I just might have trouble finding the time to update y’all expect pictures on FB and IG as we travel all over the place by train and hiking boots.
Speaking of training. I have one student who has stood out with some amazing edits who recently came to the Fine Art Nude Lighting class with Elley as the model. His work is outstanding and he has already found a wonderful style of his own. And I really push that. He’s also signed up for the online tutorials. Check out his work.
Until next week….
On to some art!!
And some art never before seem since I don’t post the ‘tawdry’ work on social media anymore.
Shameless ad
Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.
Edits from this week.
Random edits from this week. Since we haven’t been in the valley i haven’t had any new shoots. But my drive is rich with veins of wonderful art just waiting for me to dig it out and polish it.

And then there was summer..and other things
Not just one model this week. I picked a shoot I had out on a sail boat on a sunny warm summer day a few years ago. And some other off the wall and fun images tossed in for flavoring. I am beyond honored that these beautiful ladies are willing to work with me. That takes trust. In me and themselves. Enjoy!