This has been an interesting week. Not enough photography but a lot of amateur radio. When you finally get your hands on a radio that has been a dream for decades, and then some friends do everything they can to help you resurrect it, that is the focus. Some of you have followed me on FB and IG and seen my new acquisition and how we got it running in a couple of days. And this is a radio that probably sat dormant for the last 30 of its 65-year life. Over the top fun stuff.
This week will be a mix of models and some new edits. I’ve been so busy that new edits haven’t been in the cards. And that makes me a bit jittery because my art is a very strong outlet for me. Not that I have a lot of stress in my life, but it always feels great to create.
Elley’s issue was popular as they always are. And I have more than enough edits for a few more issues. On Friday, I’ll spend the day at Fan Fusion, formerly known as Phoenix Comicon. Mark Greenawalt asked me to come and photograph the body paint presentation on Friday evening at the event. So, I’ll be there most of the day.
I remember the first SciFi convention I went to. It was probably 40 years ago, and it was mostly about Star Trek and Star Wars. People walking around with pointy ears. I thought it was cool that they were doing something they enjoyed. Flash forward to my visit Friday, and I know many of the people who will be there. Heck, of the five ladies being body painted, I’ve shot with three of them multiple times. So, pointy ears or not, it will be a blast, and I’ll see many good friends and old friends.
And if I can find my lab coat, there will be a version of Doc Brown there that sorta looks like me.
I had a shoot a couple of days ago with Keriann, and some of our art will be in this issue, of course. Such a sweet lady. And she does makeup, and other ‘beauty’ things, so check her out. We’ve shot twice now, and both times were fun and very artistic.
Elley Cat and I are formulating how to present our work in art book form. We may have a color version, a B&W version, and a bodyscape version. It will take some serious thought to come up with the right combination. And a bit of commentary to go with them.
Yesterday I did a lot of cleaning up and arranging things here in the valley. it has been a fun week so far, but it has left a wake of cables and disconnected equipment laying around. Sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and make things less chaotic.
I have very few shoots planned while we are down here. A couple on the calendar were canceled, but the time was filled in with the geeky radio stuff. Later this week, I hope to dress Elley up in some vintage wardrobe and pose her around the new/old radios. That will either work well or not work at all. I guess we shall see. They could easily become a favorite set of images for the hams who own a set of these radios.
Just before we came down to Chandler last week, Colby and Kat came up to shoot at Bonita. That was fun helping them find light and angles. And they seemed to enjoy it. It was certainly cooler.
Well, enough rambling for today. Enjoy the art. And please do drop me a line and let me know what you think. What was your favorite image, and why? I love to hear what you think.
Happy Wednesday!
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…