It’s been another fun week.
It started out with a fun body paint shoot with some of my favorite talented people. The results are in the weekly edits. Only one has been posted to social media because they wanted to have them published in an online magazine. So, I have to hold off. There were also two other photographers there to capture the art and it’s fun to see how the others approached the same posing and options. One didn’t like using flashes and just used the light in the studio. Of course I used the lights. Fun to see.
On the right is the weekly before and after. Obviously there is often very little I do to bring the finished product to light. Diana here is a beauty all by herself. Those lips! Her hair is a little bigger, always something I do when I can, and a little highlights here and there.
I also had a chance to work with a model in her home in far north Phoenix. I haven’t done many edits yet since it was just yesterday but those will be mostly in next week’s Museletter. Massive kitchen, amazing bathtub (that made it into this week’s lineup) and a wonderful pool. I even got to bring the drone out to play and get some images from above.
Between being at Bonita Creek until last Friday and Mother’s day, I haven’t had much chance to shoot new work. In the next 7 days I have 2 confirmed fine art nude shoots and possibly one more. Then that’s it for the next month since I’m off to visit the English and Irish for 28 days. Exciting and expensive, but a once in a lifetime trip so it should be fun. And great bonding time with one of my grandsons.
And, since I’m an old guy I can talk a little about my health, right? Some of you know I went through radiation treatments for my prostate about two and a half years ago. It was only at stage one so it wasn’t serious yet and could have taken years to become serious. But, I figured I’d get it taken care of while I was healthy otherwise. I was actually fascinated by the radiation process and everything turned out working exactly how the textbooks say it should and with zero side effects. So, one of the indicators for the cancer is called a PSA count. anything over 4 is an indicator there might be cancer. I think mine was up to 7 and after two biopsies they found it. And in the year between those test it had spread a little. So, I had it zapped in 39 consecutive days of treatment. Soooo, forward to today, over two years later, we still check that PSA number to see how it’s going…about every 3-6 months. I had a blood test a few days ago and my PSA is….drum roll…. point 9, less then one! Lowest it’s ever been. Bottom line, y’all are stuck with me for a little longer. Sorry for the old guy health talk. BUT, if you are a male and you aren’t watching your prostate, DO IT DUDE!!
Edits from this week.
So the week started out with an Alice in Wonderland shoot with an amazing team of artists and photographers. We played in my studio and it was a very long 8 hours for us all. But the end result was pretty cool.

Ariana - the best of
I’m forever thankful that I get a chance to photograph just a few of the most beautiful people in my little slice of the planet. So thankful. Ariana is one of the special ones. All of that hair. And that face. A mother of three little ones and a bit of an enigma. Enjoy some of our work together. I hope there is a lot more before the end.

Until next week….
On to some art!!
And some art never before seem since I don’t post the ‘tawdry’ work on social media anymore.
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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.