We are spending ten days up at Bonita right now. We already head home in a couple of days. I guess our bodies have learned we change altitude often after 20 years of coming up here because I don’t struggle for breath after we come up now.
This week’s video is a shoot I did with Violet Pixie a few months ago. I included all of our images; some were posted recently in a Museletter, but since the video included so many, I just put them all up. And all of the images with her are from this shoot.
If you are interested in lighting, you’ll see some great examples of how we get the shadows in these. There is one set where the two lights are actually behind her. What you see in the video and the finished shot is strikingly different.
When I set up lighting for a set, I always get a mental picture of how I want the model to look. Is it about showing off a well-defined belly? Or light through the hair? Or simply the gentle curve of a hip? I then picture that and roll the lights in place.
I’m in the part of my life where I think about my memories, primarily the good times, and hope there is more time to make more. If you think about it, we all have memories about a time, place, or person that we would give anything to go back and re-live that moment. But consider this. THIS moment could be the time you would give anything to return to in twenty years. Each moment is precious. The people around you in this chapter of your life story are precious.
That brings me to another point I think of often. We tend to think we are in a static place regarding the people in our lives. A snapshot of your friends and family today will look very different in ten years…or twenty years. People will pass on; some will be born, and some don’t have you in their next chapter as you don’t include everyone in your next chapter.
I often wonder why my contract wasn’t renewed with some who have moved on. As I considered this, I was a little sad because they were in my story because I loved having them as a part of my life. That led to my considering that I should celebrate our time together. And that there are some who I left behind because their character wasn’t needed for the rest of my life story.
So, I see the people in my life today, right now, to be those precious people I know I’ll miss someday. Making the moment memorable helps make it last.
(side note. I wrote this Tuesday morning. I watched the movie Otto Tuesday night. Yes, get some tissues and watch it.)
Stay open-minded and curious, my friends!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…