Happy Wednesday, everyone!!
This week’s video is another one from the dunes and shows what some models do for the shot. Especially Elley! I left the sound as recorded to let you know just how windy it was. Yes, it sounds like an Atlas rocket blasting into orbit. Linda came in as I was previewing it and said WHAT IS THAT?!? Just our first morning on the dunes. (grin)
I joke about editing goosebumps. But trust me; they are there. Her skin received a real workout those two days we were there. Fortunately, we did some fantastic nudes on the dunes last year, and it was a lot warmer and far less windy. So, this year we did more with costumes. Not all, as you will see in this week’s gallery.
Still, a fantastic trip, and I hope to make it an annual pilgrimage to create there. The challenge will be to develop new ideas or improvements on past attempts. Not all ideas work the first time.
I’m working on some lighting changes because of my post-mortem of that trip. The lights I’ve been using for a few years for location work have been a bit weak, and they drain the battery before I’m finished with them in a day of shooting. These are called AD200 lights, and they are prevalent in location shoots. There is a different attachment that puts a much stronger flash in place of the simpler flash. I have those, but I had to modify them to work with my little umbrella. I’ve done that, and I have two additional batteries now since these will take even more power I expect. So, next time out in the wild, I’ll be trying some new things.
I have an impressive five shoots lined up over the next thirty days. I think that’s the busiest I’ve been since the beginning of 2020. Many are people I haven’t had the chance to work with, so it should be fun. They are spread out to make it easier to plan and try to come up with unique artistic ideas with each. And each lady comes with different comfort levels. That determines what concept ideas I pull for a shoot.
So let me talk about that for a bit. When planning a shoot with someone new, I always ensure that part of the beginning conversation includes their ‘comfort level’. “What is your comfort level? Implied nude? Nude?” This I only ask once. If I later can’t remember, I’ll ask them to refresh my memory on their comfort level. I may feel 45 in a 70-year-old body, but sometimes I have the memory of a 117-year-old. The key is to always, always respect someone’s boundaries.
I hope you all enjoy the Museletter as much as I do creating it each week. I love hearing from those that take the time to reach out and comment or have questions. I’m honored each of you looks. Let me know if there is anything you’d like to hear about or see.
Stay open-minded and curious, my friends!
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…