This week in the life…
It appears the turbulent few weeks of data copies and near misses at loosing the last 5 or 6 years or work has settled down. I have a good solid working copy of everything and that is slowly, but constantly, being backed up on an identical system. In a couple days I should have exact copies of everything and each day any changes to the main one will be made to the backup. And each drive is a RAID 5 meaning any one drive in either box can fail and still not loose anything. Whew! Dodged that bullet but taught me a lesson about how close to the cliff to stand.
So, this week there are some new edits finally. I have my work station back to normal and I’ve started cruising the files looking for new art waiting to be created.
Linda and I went to Costco for some Salmon yesterday. It had been so long I had to ask her to remind me where it was. Partly because it’s been almost a year since we’ve been there, but partially because I’m noticeably starting to struggle with my memory. Funny thing is, I can name people in a movie but can’t remember the name of the movie. In the past I could name a movie and not have a clue the names of the actors. Evidently, in my brain, there are a fixed number of file drawers you can have open at a time.
While at Costco I found some really nice lights to put over my editing station. You didn’t think we’d just get the fish we went for did you? It’s Costco. I go to mount the lights and my old cordless drill is old, worn out, and the batteries shot. So, new project, new tool!! That’s a good project.
For those of you who might have seen my post about the electronic board project I’ve been working on, I designed a box I could 3D print for it and I’ve already sold 7 of these devices. That more than covered the actual material costs to this point. Time costs, well, it was great fun to learn several new design programs and get things to fit together, so I’m very pleased. Creating is great fun, with my camera or with my hands. Both require free thinking. My mind does not tether well anyhow.
A couple weeks back I offered my 50 page book on PDF. I was very pleasantly surprised how many people bought it. I want to thank you all for your support of my art. I hope you enjoyed the book and keep the file around to view again and again. There are some beautiful ladies in there for sure. And it has given me a goal to create another book. For those who missed it, here’s a link.
The Artistics of Woman, Volume 1
Sale Price:25.00 Original Price:45.00
Oh, I smell bacon coming the kitchen. Time for breakfast!
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics

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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group training