It has been a calm week here. Mostly just fine tuning my editing stations, and of course, doing some new edits.
I have had a lot of people asking about classes and since I have my shots and things are starting to look pretty good out there, I organized and set a date. So, May 15th we’ll have a 5 hour eight photographer class going on in Mesa. And the day before I have a 1on1 class scheduled so there you go. It has started. And I’m a happy camper.
I revisited a shoot with Marcella in Bisbee in 2018 and found a couple new ones with her in the tub and in a yellow bra. Fun shoot in a hundred year old hotel.
A few more with Violet in the country and some of Sarah in studio. All turned out very nice. I still consider it a happy/sad situation that I can go to just about any past shoot and find another good image, even if I hit that shoot up last week. The happy part is that new art is saved from oblivion I guess. And models get new images.
I’m charging my batteries and polishing my lenses and ready to head to Baghdad on Friday morning to spend a few days with Elley and Dan out in Arizona’s outback. There are some very interesting rocky and watery backdrops we hope to shoot around including a baby slot canyon. We’ll have some silks along and a parachute so we shall see. It’ll be my first fine art shoot this year and hopefully the first of many. Actually, I have 3 or 4 more in the calendar all spread out so it’s looking good.
For me a shoot now and then and some editing as well as some classes to teach and my normal is back. My life was obviously fairly simple and simple is timeless.
Like I mentioned in past issues, I hope to have little interviews with models after we finish shooting. That way you get to know the models a little as you see them in the art. It may bring a little more humanity to the images. And possibly some humor as you hear some over the top beauty snort when she laughs. (grin)
I’ve been approached for more images by the French calendar company. We shall see how that pans out. They did pick some images that are some of my favorites. These are for a nude calendar. They have some beautiful products out there so it would be a proud moment to be graced on their offerings for sure.
Wish me luck on my shoots and classes and I’ll have some actual newly shot work to offer in next week’s Museletter.
Thank you all for your continued support. It has been one of the few joys of this last year, being able to share my art with all of you.
Enjoy and stay safe.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…