This week in the life…
We are up at our Bonita Creek home for the night and the coyotes are out there howling. Of course we have to come back to the valley tomorrow. And it’s supposed to snow up here tomorrow. I hate not being here and pretending to be snowed in.
This week I was able to spend a good amount of time editing, so there are some new ones here and many never seen before. I have decided that social media doesn’t get to see everything I create. Not just because they still have a problem with nudes and the evil female nipple. So, being a subscriber has a bit of a perk in exclusivity to some of the art.
Linda and I get our second jab on Saturday and I’m starting to book shoots a week later. Still masked and distanced of course. And still keeping track of all the hugs I am owed. It’s in the hundreds by my count. Photographers are starting to ask about classes again and I have 3 or 4 shoots already booked over the next couple months. One young lady is actually coming from out of state just to shoot. So, some fun times coming up.
My plan is to spend 5 or 10 minutes with people I shoot with and do a bit of a video interview. And then make those video’s available in the Museletters. That should add some personal touches to the images because there may be some behind the scenes as well as getting to know the model a little.
I have a maternity shoot tomorrow (I do break my rules once in a while) and in a few weeks I’ll be out in the wild shooting with Elley Cat again. Just to get out of the house is important, may as well make it a fun and creative time with a good friend, right.
My disk drive and backups have come a long ways in the last week. I actually have the system set up to backup the working drive every hour no matter what I’m doing. Of course, it just backs up anything new I’ve added or delete what I removed. But it is such a relief to know I have two good RAID arrays with the last 6 years of shoots on them.
Now the time consuming job is looming. There are times I go looking for a finished image that I know I did but it’s not in the folder it should be in. So I’m going to have to go through every single shoot and make sure I have saved off everything that was edited. In some cases I have 2 or 3 copies of a specific shoot because it’s been moved around, or I put it on a portable drive to edit on the road and it never made it back to the main drive so each has different edits. What a mess. At 5-10 minutes per folder and probably 700 folders…yeah, it’s going to be a long project.
I’ll be looking for some new regular models Now that the planet is turning again. I’m sure most of you have figured out that I like to shoot over and over with a select group of models. When you click artistically with someone why not create all you can? And they know what to expect from me. Besides the bad jokes. And it’s not because I won’t be shooting with my regulars, but many of them have moved away, gotten married, started a family, or just stopped modeling and moved on with other aspects of their lives. It makes me sad in just about every case when someone I’ve shot regularly moves on. I miss them and wonder what we could have created next. And some have remained good friends and we chat occasionally. Life happens.
And here’s something for my photography friends. I used to do a lot of blogging before I moved to the Museletter. There are some interesting topics covered so check them out.
So, that’s the news, such as it is. Feedback is always welcome.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
And if you are not subscribed, here you go!!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics

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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group training