Well. If it isn’t another seven days in the rearview mirror, receding quickly. It was certainly a long week for Linda and I. We were in Huntington Beach for a week visiting with good friends, and some great photographers and eating way too much that we weren’t supposed to be eating. We lived, gained a couple of pounds, my grandson decided to share his cold with me, and the drive back to Phoenix seemed like 40 days and 40 nights—the typical trip.
I’m over the cold, I don’t think I shared it with anyone, and my head is a bit foggy right now with what I’ve shared with y’all and what I haven’t. So, hopefully, everything this week is new.
While there, I had fun with Elley and her new hubby doing two shoots. And one with a wonderful MUAH I haven’t worked with in years…Karen. Funny, talented lady. The video this week is a quick one showing the first bikini to hit Huntington this summer. It was very nippy and windy.
We’ve been told our new travel trailer is coming in this week. I hope it is as cool as I think it will be. Lots of windows and a dry bathroom. Room to move around, sleep, AND sit at a table to edit or play with ham radio. We’ve waited three months for it to come in, but I’m still going to check out the real thing before I shake hands on the deal. I expect it will be our last adventure rig, so it needs to be what we want in every way. It’s not massive or opulent unless you consider 30-gallon holding tanks. At my age, that is opulent. (grin). For those curious, it is called the R-pod 190.
The other day I did a project I wouldn’t usually try. I shot a ten-year-old girl so she would have headshots for her acting and singing career. She’s the cutest thing. Such a smile and energy. I shot her mother a few years back, and she’s an amazing lady in so many ways. I was happy to do that for her and her daughter.
Today I work with Ashlieya again in the studio. It’s been about a year or so, and we usually produce some beautiful art. So, I’m looking forward to that. Afterward, we head to Bonita to hang out and start nesting for summer. Knowing we have to come back when the trailer shows up, but hey, it’s only a two-hour drive. And the truck knows the way.
Stay open-minded and curious, my friends!
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…