Half of my week was busy and the other half was fairly quiet. I didn’t get as much art edited as I would have liked, but I did give a two day class for a man who came all the way from Denver. It was fun, as all classes are, and he learned what he came to learn. Thank you William!
I had the opportunity to shoot Elley in some over the top Steampunk wings. I hope to have an edit ready for this issue of the Museletter, but we shall see. To edit those right can take a few hours. Thank you Kelly and Butch for sharing your wings. I’ve bought three sets of wings myself and we plan to rotate them between the owners in a kind of co-op. That should be fun and artistic for several artists. Might take 2 months to get from the Ukraine but worth it. The quality is amazing.
One special edit is in the gallery. I was asked if I could edit out one model in a dual shot and I did. Turned out well.
Recently I had a painful life learning experience. One of those things where I’d considered someone a friend for years only to find out they were friends as long as I was useful to them. At my age it’s more of a reminder. Not a lot of new things about humanity show up after this long on the planet. The hard part isn’t that it hurt to find out the person I did so much to help was laughing at me the whole time. Nope. The hard part is continuing to be kind and continue to help others. But you know what? We are who we are. And I’m not about to avoid a road because there are pot holes in it. Sometimes you can avoid them, sometimes your rim takes a beating. The journey is worth every bump.
We visited Bonita Creek and the plan was to go back on Friday and spend most of our summer up there, but fires have been rolling through the state seriously, and there was a proliferation of smoke up there. We needed rain seriously bad. Well, we come to Chandler and the next day it rains fairly well up there. We will still drag our feet on spending the whole summer up there, but frankly, since it only takes 2 hours to drive there, we may just bounce back and forth as we feel like it. Typically the fresh air alone is worth it, but the morning’s and open window type nights are wonderful up there in the summers.
I’m learning a new technique where the person disintegrates into the wind. A little Marvel like I suppose, but it can be a nice artistic look that can be applied different ways. If it works out, you’ll see it for sure.
I had a nice surprise the other night. I went to a private movie viewing on Saturday that Elley was a co-star in. I had the opportunity to do some behind the scenes photography for them for a couple days as well as play grip and hold things, fetch things, and just hang out. It was great fun to watch and as those scenes came up in the movie it was cool to see them materialize. Then the credits rolled and heck if I wasn’t added as an assistant. It was fun seeing my name there.
So, in the next Museletter you’ll find out if we ended up in Chandler or Bonita. And so will I.
Until next week, be safe, happy, cool, and hydrated.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
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