Linda and I have migrated, for the most part, to Bonita for the summer. I’m still wearing long-sleeved pants up here because it can get downright chilly in the mornings and evenings. And very nice during the day. I expect a few weeks from now it’ll be shorts weather for the duration.
It has been an interesting last week. I was invited to photograph the progression of 5 artists as they did body painting at the Fan Fusion (Comicon) in Phoenix last Friday. So, that day started at about 10am and Elley Cat and I headed to the convention center. We saw it all, and she got a chance to meet Aurora, Arizona Tony Stark, Griffin, and that crew of amazing people. So it was wonderful networking for her and I loved seeing them all again. Griffin and I are planning a Star Trek-themed shoot soon. Star Trek meets Playboy Bunny. It’ll be interesting. A bunny with pointy ears for sure.
I will include the finished images from the body paint. Interestingly, there were 4 ladies and 1 lad being painted. And I’ve shot with 3 of the ladies before. Of course, Elley was one of the models, as were Griffin and Tayler. It was a fun evening that ended just before midnight. Long day for these old bones.
We are settling in at Bonita and more time for edits will happen over the next few days and then for the whole summer. I have SO many great images just sitting on my drive waiting for me to discover them. So intend on doing exactly that. There are some shoots planned up here. Colby is coming up and we have two beautiful models coming so we’ll have a couple of nice days to create some art. And a couple from Missouri will be passing through and I’ll shoot his wife again. A beautiful woman.
When someone has done photography for over 10 years as I have, it is only a matter of time before someone gets disgruntled for one reason or another and starts to spread rumors about you. I got wind of just that last week. And in this day and age, it seems half of what you hear has been made up. I’m pretty confident those that know me will see right through it, but it certainly is irritating. I’ll just keep doing my art and respecting everyone as I always have.
On the geek front, we received our Starlink internet connection today and in about 30 minutes we went from 5-10 mbps to 85 Mbps. So, surfing here is considerably faster going through those little satellites than it is using microwave to the little mountain to the south here. So I’m a pretty happy camper/geek. Uploads are actually slower, but the computer is doing all the work so I don’t mind.
And I’m preparing to get a rather large ham radio antenna up here soon. It has a 28’ boom and two elements that are 39’ across. It is BIG. I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to get it up here, but it will warm this geeks heart to be able to talk with people I can’t even hear now. Antennas are everything. Oh, and I’m buying it used so I have to take it off of a tower it is on already. I’m studying the manual so I’ll know how to take it apart enough to have 10’ sections…or close.
Stay cool and happy!
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New images…and some classics
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