I hope everyone is safe and happy. We have some strange weather coming our way this summer. This week, each day, is on track to be record breaking heat. I know I have two things to be thankful for. First, I actually got the AC unit installed just in time this year in the studio and office. And so far, it is doing exceedingly well. Even in 105+ heat outside. And second, I’m not in Texas, where it seems if you actually need power their grid can’t handle it.
There are a lot of new a edits in this week’s art. Even some from a maternity shoot. For the first time that I know of, the mother to be was actually looking for exactly this kind of art with her and her bump. Of course I was happy to help. There is nothing more feminine than an expecting mother.
Last weekend was spent allowing a model to use the studio and make some money shooting with photographers one on one. Saturday was a long day for her but she did well and everyone seemed happy with what they captured. I enjoy facilitating productive, artistic, and financial growth. An idle studio and lights are pretty much a waste as far as I’m concerned.
One of my favorite models will soon be unavailable until early next year. I’m exceedingly happy for her, but I will miss her for sure.
Going through my recent images has shed light on how few people I actually shoot with. Without actively calling out for new talent to work with, I will be keeping my eye open. If that means hiring some traveling models, so be it. Those ladies work very hard to make a living at it so I’m happy to help.
For the next week we will be in Chandler, where the printer is. So if anyone would like a print or 5, let me know what you would like. Each one is $50 or $75 for 11x17 and 17x22 respectively. And $15 for shipping to anywhere in North America. Just send me a screen shot of what you’d like.
Until next week, be safe, happy, cool, and hydrated.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…