
There are some new images of Griffin and Elley in this issue. They are from edits of recent shoots since we’ve been at Bonita for a couple of weeks. I will say, it’s nice to edit with cool breezes and fresh are up here.

It still amazes me that I take so many images, then, fairly often, I can’t see the ones that would make outstanding art. Nothing will jump out. Then I walk away and do other edits, naps, or play with my radios. I come back to the shoot the next day and find beautiful images that make for some very nice art.

I got our T-Mobile antenna installed outside and we are getting some nice speeds. At least 10 times what I was getting on our microwave to the mountain connection for years. And, less than half the price. The internet up here has evolved and I’ve been on the bleeding edge of it all. It’s nice to have a good solid connection now.

Well, summer is here. At least on the northern half of our little blue ball. It is a bit hard to imagine that winter is starting on the southern half. Like imagining Christmas in the heat of the season.

It’s funny that we were all born into our own reality of how things are at this moment. If we are lucky, we spend a lifetime seeing change, but the change seems so slow that it isn’t changing at all—until you look at pictures from decades ago.

This is dangerous for us if we don’t realize it. We are populating the planet at break neck speeds and have been for the last 500 years or so. Of all humans that have ever lived, we currently have a significant percentage of us alive today. Somewhere close to 5%. That’s a drain on our planet and it’s only growing.

Landfills are a relatively new thing, as is indoor plumbing.

Things to think about.

Take some time to sit and enjoy art. It’s good for your soul.

I support an organization called Model Society. So many wonderful artists to inspire me. Check out their magazine!

To be a great conversationalist, ask questions and listen. Repeat.

“Be curious, not judgemental” - Walt Whittman

And if you’d like to give me feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form

New images…and some classics

This week in the life…