This week’s featured muse is Violet Pixie. We’ve worked together since the time she started. I’m thinking 5 or 6 years ago possibly. It has been fun watching her grow, as I do all of the ladies I work with. This is just a small sampling of course.
We had a shoot yesterday and catcher some really awesome art using a mirror and some thin cloth outfits. I’m sure those will make it to future issues and 500px.
Speaking of 500px, if you don’t check out this website you should if you love art. Everything from portraits to landscapes to nudes. But some amazing photographer/artists. Check it out!
Last week our grandson, Bryce, 15, came and visited and we spent a lot of time hiking and ATVing around the mountains here. It was great fun catching up. We had a goal of finding a cave we knew about but hadn’t found. In the process, we did some crystal hunting and geocaching.
Last week also had a visit from a wonderful couple who have come the last few years for a day of photographing Sandy, his wife. Dustie comes along and helps carry the gear and offers some good suggestions. So, there was yet another day of running up and down the creek and getting some art created.
On the geek front, the solar system is running fine. We still seem to sip about 5% of our power from the grid. Mainly because I’m still playing with it to see how much we produce on the solar system vs. how much we use and when. Kinda’ fun though. Knowing the lights, TV, my computer while editing this, is all running from the light from the sun.
My antenna project is set back a week while I order up even more parts. Restoring things sometimes make it past a point where buying a new one would have been a better move. In this case, I would have been using the antenna for the last couple months. (grin). Soon it will be up and not taking up all of the space in our garage.
Until next week!
Stay cool and happy!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…