It’s been a long week here at Bonita. I didn’t have the time to edit as many images as I’d have liked, but the time spent shooting and teaching was a welcome alternative. So, I’ll be mixing some previous art with this week’s as I usually do. See if you can pick out the new ones.
One that I got to do was the age old classic of a lady bathing in a pool. I finally found a vessel that would work and had the bonus of having two beautiful models. Models willing to walk in some pretty murky unknown creek sediment. I had a vine handy in case there was quicksand and we had to rescue them. Nikki and Ziva did an amazing job.
Like I said, I had a class last weekend that pretty much took up 4 days of the week with teaching and traveling. Bob was a wonderful student and we had fun exchanging ideas and doing some shooting. A wonderful photography filled few days. And I cooked a lot and everyone survived. That I know of.
You may see a few more of Elley in future issues. It’s hard to believe that I could add more than usual of her, but she’s on her extended trip to the great white north and she needs material to post to so-so media. And, as much as it pains me to have to edit her pictures, I’ll tough it out. You know…for her. (grin). That’s one tough lady! And it’s her birthday!!
So, you might notice two of the pictures this week are far less curvy or moody than the others. That’s my new radio and editing setup at Bonita. It is certainly a geekers paradise. I would share a picture of my work bench but it looks like a ‘Where’s Waldo’ challenge right now. Maybe next week. Especially since I’m adding some seriously cool new tools to it. Growing up and building electronic things, the parts had wire leads and you could find them if you dropped them on the floor. Today they have something called surface mount technology (SMT) where the parts can be so tiny that, if you drop it, it’s gone. Let me just say that part of the new setup has a 7” display microscope I’ll be using to see what I’m doing as I build things. I’m going to hate it until I love it.
Another bit of geeking I’m doing is playing with the big 7’ satellite dish to see what I can see or hear from the geosynchronous birds in the arc 22k miles over our heads. One called G19 has a ton of old TV shows and a bunch of radio stations. My goal is to get it set to a transponder used by GRIT and have old westerns available on demand in the garage. I know, kinda’ strange. But, we put the dish in as we were building Bonita 20 years ago and the little digital TV dishes were just coming out. So, I need to use this one because it’s there. A bit like climbing a mountain…because it’s there.
This weekend should be fun too. I have a good friend coming up and it might just be a veg time, or he might bring a model up with him. In any case, we’ll be looking over his new camera. Toys and beautiful women. Retired life can be rocking chairs and cups of pills for some. I’m putting that off for as long as I can. Then there better damned well be a red pill and a blue pill for me to choose from!!
Until next week, be safe, happy, cool, and hydrated.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…