Good Wednesday to all of you! I hope you are finding cool places to hide. The world seems to be getting warmer and warmer. It is usually nice here at Bonita Creek, with temps only making it to 95 on the days Phoenix has a 115+ temperature. But, in the low 60’s, after the sun goes down.
I still believe that if everyone just turned off their AC units, it would be 76 degrees all day down there. Have you ever stood next to a running heat pump? It’s blasting hot air!! It is no wonder it’s so warm there. (grin)
This week is a mishmash of recent and past work with several models. I’m in a bit of a
self-induced mood because of the isolation up here. I miss people. I miss conversation (face to face, not always on the radio) and the banter. Those times always come with smiles and laughs. I’m looking forward to the fall.
The video this week shows a shoot with Violet and a mirror. I included a sample of the results in the gallery. I often do reflections, but generally with Photoshop and not an actual mirror. So, it’s fun to play with props like that once in a while and see what we can create. Especially when the model plays to see what can be captured.
I’m about to embark on three new ventures with art I’ve already completed. First, I plan to create several books. Some feature a single model, more than likely Elley Cat, since we’ve done so much art together. Another project is to create some full videos of shoots from the planning stage to finished images while showing how those were conceived and executed. Like little documentaries. And, of course, more training videos for my online courses. It is hard to believe they have been out there since 2018 now. Whew!! I love teaching. Teaching without my having to be there is also awesome.
On a more personal note. This morning I tipped the scale at 160 pounds for the first time. It is nice to look down and see my shoes. Linda is doing well too. I seem to have my energy, and I did a test on the treadmill the other day. I got on, and set it for 5% grade and three mph. My heart made it up to 110. After about 5 minutes, it started to go down and hovered around 100. So I increased the speed and incline a little, and once again, my heart started beating faster, not making it to 110 and coming down some after a few minutes. I’m thinking my heart is doing just fine. Not hauling around an extra 40 pounds has to make it easier.
On the antenna project, it is doing great. There was a little problem: cranking it down and tilting it over was involved, but it’s all tight and working great. I’ve chatted with Slovenia, Spain a few times, Russia, Lituania, Japan, and Italy, just to name a few. It seems I’m being heard as well around the world now as I’m hearing them. Pretty much Geek Heaven, as Elley puts it.
I hope you all are having a safe and fun summer. I’ve ordered some cooler weather. It should be here in a few months. You know how the supply chain is these days.
Stay cool, happy, and healthy!
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…