I hope this Museletter finds you well. Here’s hoping it also bumps up your ‘well’ a notch or two. Art is there to calm the disturbed and disturb the calm, after all.
This week is mostly of Elley with some new edits mixed in of other shoots that I’m behind on. She’s always a winner, and I think I have more of her than anyone. We are already planning the next trip to the dunes as soon as it cools off some. Maybe 2035?
I have been busy getting our trailer ready for our inaugural 26-day trip through Flag, the north rim of the Grand Canyon, Colorado Springs, and Albuquerque, and then home. Each stop is to visit with old friends, so it should be fun. I’ve now spent in the trailer six nights up here to enjoy the cool breezes and sounds of coyotes. I’m delighted with it so far. We’ll see what comes up after over 3 weeks on the road with it. It’s the nicest and best-built trailer I’ve ever owned, so I hope it’ll live up to my expectations. I’m sure it is our last one.
Today a foldable portable 200w solar array is coming to let us charge the batteries even if we are parked in the shade. And Monday, 200ah of batteries are coming to replace the 85ah battery that came with the trailer. We should be a grand shape when it comes to power.
The work on the trailer is mainly on putting a nice ham radio antenna on the back bumper, and so far, I’ve talked with a couple of people on the air with it, and it worked wonderfully. There are a total of two USB jacks that are woefully underpowered. Really?!? So, I’m adding a dozen more in the front and back, which should handle everything we need to power. The fun part is doing it all in a clever and neat, and SAFE manner.
I have a new 16” editing pad, one with the screen built in behind it, so I can edit in style while we camp. I’m very used to my 24” models, so I should slip into the smaller one just fine. My style seems to be changing a little. A bit more dark and warm. I don’t know. I like it, but artists are too close to the process to notice change much, at least in the short term.
Enjoy the new and old art. Reach out to me if you see something that somehow touches you. A big part of an artist’s payment is feedback from the viewer.
Always look for the bright side.
How to handle an argument. Stop and listen. Ask questions. And always consider you could be wrong. And maybe negotiate?
To be a great conversationalist, ask questions and listen. Repeat.
Stay open-minded and curious, my friends!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…