This week in the life…
This has been a fun week. By fun I mean editing, working on projects, walking 3 miles a day, and enjoying some nice meals. Like last week and the week before. I’m really looking forward to some kind of new normal. One that includes some photography adventures on the dunes, the forest, or the beach, and with people. Even cranking up my studio again would be a joy hard to express.
Last Thursday I hosted a Zoom gathering that lasted almost 2 hours. We talked about how to pick from a bunch of images to find the best ones of the lot. Mostly seeing what catches the eye and how important triangles are in art. And then I took one and edited it to have big yellow wings and a background from old Rome. Unfortunately I forgot to press the record button so only those who joined will ever know what all was talked about.
The next Zoom gathering will be February 4th and we’ll talk about lighting. I’ll have the studio set up to show how lighting works. In many ways it’s really pretty easy, but it does take time to turn it into a talent. We’ll talk about how to reverse engineer images we see to tell how they were lit up. That’s really a very important part of lighting. Should be fun.
Meeting ID: 264 148 7950
Passcode: artistics
Linda and I are already looking at a new travel trailer…in pictures. It will be months before we might pull the trigger and get another one. This time we are thinking about a 19’ with plenty of room for Linda to nap and me edit at the same time. That’s kinda’ our default mode these days. Sure couldn’t do that in the Basecamp. As much as we did enjoy it, I think it should be called Basecramp. They have a 20’ version now so it’s not just us. But I’m done with round trailers…they waste so much room. The bucket list had owning an Airstream on it. Check.
In my travels through my past shoots looking for new material I found one I shot with Michelle half a decade ago. I found sets I didn’t even remember shooting. Head shots. I remember, when I first started in Photography I would start way back taking full body shots and find myself getting closer and closer until I was doing head shots. I admit, they are right up there with fine art nudes in the joy I get from a well lit and posed one. I’m especially loving the ones I found of her and I think portraits will be a big part of my art in the future.
I think it’s the eyes. Eyes really are the windows to our souls. So delicate and so beautiful. And like everything else about the human body, they come in so many shapes, sizes, and colors.
You all stay safe and thank you for supporting my art.
You all stay safe and enjoy the art.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics

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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.