So, it was four years ago today that I started the Museletter. Woot!! It has been fun so far, although I can’t believe I managed not to miss a single week, even when I was in Europe for a month. Talk about miss guided dedication, huh? It has been fun, and it is the only place I can show off my Master’s Degree in Show and Tell. Looking at the website menu above, you’ll see that you can look at any of the 207 previous issues.
I haven’t been shooting much but still editing and organizing. For example, I showed Elley all of our work as I had it in my master folder. She has a fantastic memory and spotted a lot that was missing. So, I took a day and went to every shoot we’d had and made sure I had captured every image and saved them. So, instead of the 500+ photos, I thought were all we had, it came out to 970+ images, and no dups or censored images other than some B&W versions here and there. WOW! It makes me wonder how much I’m missing from the other shoots.
So, the next book I plan to create will be one of Elley. With over 900 images, I expect we’ll end up with 2 or 3 volumes of just Elley. I want to come up with a theme for each one. We shall see. These will be very high-quality photo books. Here is a shot of the one Sarah and I did. Her’s will not be available, unfortunately, but it was an excellent dry run and a keepsake to remember the time we shared creating some beautiful art.
The video for this issue is one we did while shooting Nikole in Newport Beach last year. She’s such a sweetie and enjoying her life of exploring her self-awareness and helping others discover their inner selves.
I’m adding a second gallery to this issue to celebrate our fourth year! It will be some of my favorite Elley shots.
I want to thank each of you for following my art and especially those that reached out with a quick email to let me know what you enjoyed most.
Stay curious, my friends!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…