So, last Saturday we went to the valley. We do that every week or so just to keep cabin fever at bay. And, every once in a while, we need haircuts. We were driving down and we get a text from our hair wrangler, and she had just tested positive for you know what. Damn! But, if she didn’t know and we’d gone the next day as we were scheduled, we might be sick right now. I feel bad for her because that’s at least a week of income she misses.
She wears a mask if you are wearing one or you ask. Frankly, if I were her, I’d wear a mask especially if the client wasn’t. Yeah, I believe they work. My vast research of two people, Linda and I, shows that, for the last two years we have caught nothing, zip, nada. I typically get the crud at least twice a year. So, masks do work and I will probably use one long after this pandemic is over…or, more likely, it turns into an endemic.
I also broke down and had a shoot Saturday before we came back up. It was a last minute thing but it sure felt grand being creative with the camera and lights again. (picture on the right) It had only been 7 weeks, but hey, I needed that itch scratched. And a hug from Elley made it worth it all by itself.
We did some wonderful work and I’ll include a couple in today’s lineup.
My Patreon is picking up and I have far more subscribers than I thought I’d have in just over a month. I guess having a new edit or three every morning first thing is worth it to some people. I love putting the posts together and especially that I can present the art as it was created and not have to censor it. (
On the geek side of the house, I have a new rack full of radio gear that is called a repeater. It lets hams use smaller hand held radios, or radios mounted in their cars, talk farther because this box hears them with a massive antenna, and repeats their signal to cover a larger area than they could normally. In this case it also has some software and a Raspberry Pi connected to the Internet and the signal is repeated out of over 30 other repeaters around the state and some areas in California. Although we could just as easily link it to repeaters in London. The sky is the limit. It’s geek heaven when it works. Mine is new so I spent the entire day learning and configuring it. Another day…or two…should get it running smoothly.
And we picked up a really nice treadmill for Bonita. So, now I can have an exercise routine and keep it going in Chandler or Bonita. Speaking of health, Linda and I are really enjoying our new Keto diet. The food we’ve been preparing each evening is really good. We don’t miss the sugar or bread at all. I certainly don’t miss the 14 pounds I’ve lost since the beginning of the year. I’m having trouble keeping my pants pulled up now. Nice problem to have I guess.
Until next week. Stay warm, dry, happy, and healthy. Please!
Patreon for those who want daily brand new art.
And my Patreon site is doing well, even though the link last week was all wrong for it. It’s kinda cool, with three tiers to choose from.
* For $5 a month you get a new edit each day, ofter more. Something no one has seen yet. Some may never make it to the public.
** For $12 a month I’ll be posting a lot of behind-the-scenes stories, videos of BTS, and Zoom Q&A once a month.
*** And for $25 a month you get all of that AND every THREE MONTHS you’ll get a print of your choice mailed to you.
So check it out and support my efforts, and have some daily art.
Enough about me. Enjoy this month’s art and let me know what you think.
Until next week, enjoy!!! And stay safe.
And if you are not subscribed, here you go!!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…