The last Museletter of 2022. That seemed quick. Most of us pine for what we considered normal before 2020. We didn’t consider that or the years before as ‘normal’ either. The only difference was we could disrupt our own lives and others. Now the one that causes the problems in the last few years is a virus that only cares about infecting us. Damn! Our choices have been to pretend it didn’t exist or protect ourselves and our loved ones from the worst of it. In any case, I hope you all are happy and healthy.
Well, I’ve started working on the first photo book for 2023 and it’s going to be a nice one. And it is the first of several, and the difference from the first one I did in 2018 is that these will focus on a specific model in each one for the most part. BTW, 2018 is available as a book or a PDF. Check it out!! I plan to have a few that are of a particular aspect of art, like bodyscape and shapes. Those will have a mix, I’m sure. It is a work of love and something I can focus on for the new year.
The first one will be called ‘Sarah’ followed by ‘Elley’, ‘Marcy’, and ‘Michelle’. Shhhh, don’t tell any of those young ladies I’m working on these. It’s a surprise.
Linda and I decided we’d treat ourselves to new iPhones for 2023 since they are better cameras than the 11s we have. It is a pretty good deal from Verizon other than spending 3 hours on the phone to get them ordered and verified. I’d blame it on the season, except I bet I’d have to go through that in August too. Whew!! I’d rather deal with the DMV; that tells you how agonizing it is. ;). But, all is good and will be fun next week when the new toys arrive.
Some of the images in this week’s gallery are from 8-10 years ago. I found a stash of images I haven’t seen in a long time. I sure notice a difference in my style, but some of them I still kinda’ like. See if you can pick them out. A few, the ones you won’t see, are prime examples of how to fail and continue on. ;)
Tiptoeing into 2023 with high hopes that you and your loved ones find good health, happiness, and plenty of opportunity. Remember to think for yourselves, cherish time with good friends, turn off technology often, and use logic and compassion with your fellow humans. Fill your days with smiles and hellos to strangers. Remember, your best friends were strangers before that first hello.
Stay healthy. It is the most valuable thing you have. And, you know, I don’t want to lose subscribers.
Stay curious, my friends!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…