This week in the life…
Well, this is Museletter #100!!! Each one has been a blast to create and share!
Yet another interesting week has passed. I’ve included some new artwork as well as some older finished images I’d run across that I loved and had forgotten about. That ‘forgot about’ part is happening more often than I’d like. At least it seems so.
Since the studio isn’t being used and probably won’t be for 6 months or more I’ve re-nested the office to have a couple work stations and less comfy chairs for boy friends and husbands to veg on during shoots. Artwork is being moved around and doors removed, and smaller monitors being changed out with big screen TVs for displaying rolling art. It’s good for my soul to see so much art. And good for my memory as I recall names, places, and ideas. It was a fun 10 years. I’m not counting 2020, although the few shoots I snuck in were amazing.
Lately I’ve been reflecting on the past with my photography passion. It’s still strong and I enjoy at least the editing part and some online teaching for now. But when things become safe again I think I’m going to shoot less, but when I do it will be a project with the goal of creating a very specific look. I’d rather end a year with 10 OMG shots than 100 cool shots. Okay, 100 OMG would be nice too, but that’s harder to get when you just get together with a model and see what you can create on the fly. I want to shoot at some awesome locations. Ocean again of course, dunes (planned) and some lush forests like Oregon or California, assuming they will have any left by this time next year.
Geek alert. We visited Bonita for an overnight stay last weekend. I wanted to do some changes to my remote radio station there and as chance would have it, our network crashed up there so we kinda’ had to go fix that. Linda loves watching the animals in our cameras up there. So, we show up and the router needed rebooting. And later our microwave antenna that picks up the net from Diamond Point stopped working and needed rebooting. So I sat back and wondered how I could automate or control this stuff when it needed power cycles when we weren’t there. Well, after several ideas using Arduino computers as dead man switches that would reboot power if it didn’t see Google on the network for instance, I found a far easier solution. We have a little box on Verizon (Jetpack) that we pay $10 a month for that gives us a portable network connection. And I happen to have a power strip that can be controlled over the internet from my phone. Hot dog! I connected that power strip to get its internet connection via Verizon so if our router or antenna needed rebooting I can do it without the main internet working. Okay, as simple as that all ended up being, I’m still excited that it all works and I figured it out. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get.
And one last thing to express. I’ve understood this for a very long time now. Unfortunately not all the way back to childhood. I believe we should all live out our lives our own way. Through joy, mistakes, loves, and some questionable choices, we should be who we are and grow and change as our hearts and minds take us through life. Others will often try to get us to live by their standards and beliefs. In many cases I think it’s just their way to validate the path they have chosen. Or they can’t imagine anyone not wanting to have the life they have chosen for themselves. It’s funny that either people have given up trying to change my life, or they know how much I love my life. Or they might be wishing their life was as fulfilling as I’m finding mine to be? The point is, we are handed the gift of life and it is 100% ours to live the way we want. Don’t worry about meeting someone else’s expectations. Have people around you who enjoy your you-ness and do the same in return. And never doubt yourself on any level. Have goals. Do what you can to achieve them. Because you aren’t there yet just means you are still on the road. And remember, there are flowers along that road that are in need of your nose to smell them.
Old men waxing philosophically is a lot like a ‘57 Chevy grinding gears going up hill. Billowing white smoke and smelling of oil.
BTW, I have my printer all primed up and I’ve been sending out prints lately. $55 shipped for anything I’ve created on either 11x17 or 17x22 and luster or glossy. Just let me know what you’d like and let me get the printer working on it for you!! Which one of these mailing tubes will have your address on it!?!?!
You all stay safe and enjoy the art.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics

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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.