This week in the life…
Greetings all!
Another busy week here at Bonita Creek. Linda and I cleared most of the lot and we gathered up all of the limbs and I ran them through the wood chipper. That chipper and I became best buds once I got some ear protection. A budy I will always respect for it’s power and lack of distinguishing between a tree limb or one of my limbs. So far, I have all my fingers and toes and no close calls. Yard looks really nice though. And lots of mulch for around the base of the trees. Keeps the moisture in.
And since we had a 9 hour power outage last week I’m working on our whole house generator, and tomorrow I’m getting a new battery for it and I’m going to have to fix it myself. Should be fun. The only reason I don’t just replace it is that I have no idea what I’d do with this one. ;) If you are a wizard with two stroke engines that run on propane lets talk. I’ll pay to have someone who knows their stuff come check it out.
Most of the images this week are from past shoots and edits. I did a few new ones and they turned out exceptional I think. The one on the right was from an Alice shoot with body painting. That was shot in my studio in Chandler and I added the checkered floor. The background arches were taken in some castle on my trip to the isles last year. I love it when those images make it into a background. That’s why I took them.
The weather has been nice up here. I know many of you are in the Phoenix area and I feel sorry for you all. When it’s 114 there it might get to 92 up here. And as soon as the sun goes down the temps drop. I’m writing this at 9pm and it’s 76 with a cool breeze out there. And those few storms you have been getting have started right here. We don’t always get rain from them, but they tend to bring the temps down quickly.
Plans for next week involve a chain saw, much more editing, and even creating some new training videos for the photography/artistics site. I do enjoy doing those.
Meanwhile, lets hope for rain…cooler heads…a vaccine that works. Nothing would be neater than everyone waking up in America one day and remembering that we are all Americans. And there is a center and compomize. Not two sides against eachother. We need to either come together and do the right things or die trying, because we will die if we don’t. Normal needs to happen soon. Not nearly enough hugs in the world today.
You all have a wonderful week and see you next Wednesday!!
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New images…and some classics

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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.