Frankly I’m a bit shocked that I’ve done one of these for 135 weeks in a row. Even while I was in Ireland/England for a month they went out on time. Those that know me know just how unlikely that kind of consistency is with me.
It seems like I haven’t shot for a month now. With the pandemic picking up steam Linda and I have been laying low…again! In many ways that’s sad that we can switch to that mode so easily. No kids, no jobs, and a place to hide in the forest. I guess we are where we’d be if we planned for a pandemic I suppose.
Linda got her new hip last Thursday and yesterday morning I took her out for breakfast and we hit the grocery store afterwards and she did all of that without a cane or walker. She did hold my hand, but she always does that. Keeps me from wandering off….or grabbing her ass in public.
I’ve been able to get some good edits done this week. I’m missing not shooting but I think the models are enjoying the fact that they are getting new images from old shoots, some from a few years ago. Nothing wrong with that. I’m super happy I have such a treasure trove of work to pick from.
This week I’m highlighting a special model I’ve worked with typically once a year for the last 6 or 7 years. Katrina is a total sweetheart and very trusting of my requests. It all started years ago with a group of ladies that typically modeled together. All nice of course, but there was one that stood our and I really wanted to work with her by herself. We finally set it up and she turned out to be everything an artist would want from a beautiful model. I’ve included some of the interesting and edgy things we’ve done together over the years to celebrate our work. It’s far from all of our work, but a good example. I’m sure you’ll see what I mean about beautiful…and trusting.
Tomorrow I’m visiting with Charlie, my partner from my Tempe days as Webmaster, to catch up and geek out. He can out geek me every day of the week so it’ll be fun.
Right after that Linda and I are headed to Bonita for a couple days so I can work on some remote radio station configuring. I get a huge kick out of controlling things from remote, especially my radios.
I added a second screen/tablet, the 22” XP-Pen version just to have a backup, and to take on trips. It’s considerably lighter than the 24” one. I’m kinda’ spoiled because the 24” is higher resolution but I’ll live.
So, enjoy the images in this issue and please feel free to send me a note and let me know what you think, or if one moved you in some day. Just hit the contact form below and type a note.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…