This week in the life…
Another week has gone by, with many of us being at home and learning a new life that will be with us for a couple months. Here’s what I’d love to see happen after this. Families sitting at the table for dinner and chatting about their lives that day. More waves and, of course, hugs. A better understanding of how important the people in our lives are. And the enhanced urge to just go for a hike, a drive, and just take a walk holding hands with your sweetie. it only takes 21 days to create a habit, so here we go. Create your own new normal!
It’s funny how I now have all day, every day, and I don’t get as much edited. Can someone come remove all the squirrels around me? Leave the real squirrels of course..
I’ve been adding some videos to the training website. That’s always time consuming but I really love that they are there and teaching like by remote control once they are there. Over 80 videos already…whew!
The image on the right was a fun one. That was my last shoot with Tayler and possibly with Elley. Well, most recent, not my last I would hope. I miss them both and that was just 2 months ago. Moving lights around and teasing the models are sorily missed by this old guy. Anyhow, I had the image of these two beauties all finished and for some reason I wondered what it would look like as half B&W. Kinda’ cool. In the gallery below you’ll find an all color and an all B&W of the same image. Each is its own art.
Another you’ll see is the coffee cup in the center of the ladies hips. I didn’t want to say crotch. Damn, I just said it didn’t I? A nice steaming hot cup of java? Not on my watch. Danger Will Robinson! But, adding the coffee after the model is long gone, that’s more my style.
Joke. In the days of film, by the time a photographer got to the dark room, the model was long gone. In the digital age, by the time the photographer is touching up the model, the model is long gone. Some things never change. ;)
And, to top it all off, and since we are at the Bonita Bunker until who knows when, I have added some images of Lance and Jamie when we had some fun up here. I’m a bit sad when I see these because we’ve had several flash floods on the creek since then, and most of the pretty places you see are just gone. Bolders are down stream even. Grass is starting to grow again and in a month or two it will green up I hope. Who knows, I might get a model or two to venture up here and we can stay 10 feet apart the whole time and shoot. i do have all of my camera gear up here. That’s usually how it is ANYHOW.
Meanwhile, I’m up here trying to not look at the news. I’d suggest doing the same.
Be safe and wash your hands!
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New images…and some classics

Until next week….
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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.