Moving right along and having a blast.
I wish everyone had as much fun and enjoyed life as much as I am right now. I walked a few miles with my sweetie this morning before it got warm, then shot a beautiful lady who is with child, then went and bought a new toolbox to finally put all of my best tools in something I can travel between homes with, and now I’m editing my Museletter for tomorrow’s release. Damn, that was a long paragraph. But it’s not even 3pm and lots more fun to be had. A new set of satellite antennas are being delivered today.
And if that wasn’t enough, tomorrow I shoot with two favorite models, Ziva and Arianna. Then on Thursday and Friday, I’m teaching a class to someone who traveled from several states over to learn from me. Then on Saturday, I am teaching a group class in a beautiful home with actress-model-good friend Elley.
This week’s featured model is Miss Tayler. I shot with her for eight years and it involved so much travel and situations. What memories. It was a pleasure working with her all those years.
And on Sunday we hit the road to Bonita to prepare to live there for the summer in the cooler breezes. Lots of naps in the deck swing in our future.
AND, we bit the bullet last November and put a deposit on a full 5kw solar system and battery for Bonita and they come to install that on Monday. Whew!! That’s going to be fun to run pretty much all of our house on the light coming from the sun. Geek town as I’ll be monitoring panels and inverters and usage. Oh my. Fun shit!!
Plans are starting to formulate for visitors at Bonita. Three different models are planning to come to shoot for the weekend in the forest and creek as well as the guest room. It isn’t hard to talk people into escaping the heat.
My beautiful new desk is in place and I’m already starting to complete projects and man is it nice to have so much desktop space and tools just a quick drawer away. Everything has been organized well. I’m going to miss it in the summer. I have a workbench at Bonita but it’s pretty small by comparison.
So, for the last few weeks, I’ve shot with some new talented ladies and several are destined to be regulars in front of my camera. So we shall see how that turns out. There will certainly be fewer shoots during the summer, but all of the shooting I’ve been doing and will do before the week is out should give me plenty to edit. I’m excited about all of the shoots, some are special to me because I especially love working with some ladies who have become great friends.
This is the last week of my Patreon. I’m turning it off in a couple of weeks. It was just more work than I wanted to put into it for the return on investment. And frankly, I’d rather edit than spend hours doing special content that y’all may not see for a while. BUT, it would be a good time if you were curious about what I put out there. Because you can subscribe and will only have to pay once and have the run of the 3 months of content. $5 gets you all of the pictures, and $12 would include weekly BTS videos I sent out on Mondays.
So, back to work editing and shooting here.
Until next week. Stay crispy, happy, and healthy. Please!
And if you’d like to give me any feedback on these Museletters, feel free! I love to hear from you all! - Contact form
New images…and some classics
This week in the life…