This week in the life…
Hi everyone!
Another week devoted to outliving the pandemic. Linda and I are still cheating and staying up in the mountains. Although we did go down to Chandler to check on the house, see if the weeds in the back yard were taller than us yet, drop off our trash, and add more recycle to the pile in the garage. Frankly, our garage is starting to look a lot like the main floor of the church in Alice’s Restaurant. We aren’t there to put the recycle out on the curb. And some of the weeds may be taller than Linda, but still not as tall as me. One more rain and that should do it. We’ll need a machete to clean that up after this it over. Might even find a human raised by apes in there by then.
We did score a 24 pack of toilet paper! Linda and I are good for a year and a half now based on my exacting calculations.
So, there are 18 edits this week. And another video! Not as many as usual, but I’m extra in love with all of them so that makes up for it. I’m starting to take more time on each and really fine tune them to something over the top for my own style. Or, trying to at least. Let me know if you see anything different about them. Of course, these are all edits from past shoots and some from models who have moved on with their lives. All of them very sweet and beautiful ladies in their own unique way.
The 3D printers have been cranking away creating PPE for our hero nurses and doctors. It seems strange that this is a need, but it is and I’m glad to have something to focus on that might save a life at some point. I delivered 35 more to out hospital up here and shipped some to Surprise as well as some of the N95 mask bands so the masks are not hanging on their ears and they are adjustable to Nevada and Indiana.
And, keeping busy doing little projects that are geeky and fun. As well as almost daily Zoom sessions with fellow photographers from all over and learning a LOT from each one. And giving a few classes myself. Productive time we would never have before and may never again (if we are lucky)
Some of you are doing home schooling for the first time. And I hear the schools are sending packets of things to do each week, and that’s awesome. But, here’s your chance to teach your kids things they don’t teach in school anymore. Like understanding finances, what a dip stick is for, how to iron a shirt, do laundry, fix meals, and bake a cake. This is your chance to make this unique perod in time the most learnable and bonding time with your family. Make the lessons and time together what the kids remember…and yeah, something about some virus. Family meals around the table. Those are all things that would be awesome if they turned into the staples of the new normal. Right?
Be safe and wash your hands!
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New images…and some classics

Until next week….
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Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!
Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!
And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.