Well, as I slumbered in the early morning of today one of my servers was attacked with ransomware. Just one of those ‘never will happen to me’ moments that make your heart drop. Looking back I can see some security features I didn’t have turned up as high as I should have. And the backup that happens daily backed up the corrupted data. So, this old man has some website work to do. The actual database that runs the site is fine so I hope I can just get some of the basic Wordpress files in place and have it access the pages from the database. Google knows all.
Oh, I should mention the web server that was attacked was a small one that had my photo store, Bonita Creek info, and some radio related sites on it. My main website and training site were not affected. Professionals run that host. (grin)
So, I had a couple shoots since the last Museletter and the results so far are in the gallery. And, of course, a couple more from my weekend with Elley in the desert.
I got together with Tayler in Tucson, who I shot with first in November of 2014, and many times since, and we spent a good 6 hours shooting in her home and at a location giving us plenty of opportunities to get a wide range of art. Plenty more will come from that trip. I learned I hate the I10 between Phoenix and Tucson. Talk about traffic jam…and a boring road to boot.
I also got to work with another Ellie, a new model to me, and we cranked out a lot of work that was very different than she has done before. I hope she likes it.
I have two more shoots in the coming week before the next Museletter so we’ll see how those turn out. One is the beautiful and most motivated person I’ve ever met, Nicole Michelle, and she’s coming from the LA area to shoot. I think she’ll be getting shot by a few local photographers so there will be a bloom of pictures of her for a few weeks I expect. She has been very popular on the social media/TV/Radio/Podcast circuit as being someone who broke away from being a preacher to be a nude model and motivational speaker. She’s certainly a self made woman. Some of the results will be here next week. Meanwhile, I wanted to give her a special shout-out because a good number of visitors to my website come from her site.
Today I received that new split AC unit by truck. I included a couple pictures in the gallery. It will be the ones that don’t have a lady in them for anyone would can’t tell. (grin). I HOPE to get that installed over the next week. Although the weekend is supposed to be warmer (90) and then cool down first part of next week so it might get finished then. It’s actually not very complicated and I’ve watched at least a dozen YouTubes on installing it. The plan is to be able to cool down the studio and office from the rest of the house. This would allow me to run down from Bonita to Chandler to give classes or work in the studio without cooling off the entire house. Of course it’s all remote controlled.
Wish me luck!
Enjoy and stay safe.
Some of you give me regular feedback and I really love hearing from you. If you saw something that moved you, or you especially loved, or just have a question about any of the images, please drop me an email. It’s the highlight of my day to hear from friends.
Enjoy!!! And stay safe.
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New images…and some classics
This week in the life…